The best musicians or sound-artists are people who never considered themselves to be artists or musicians.

I've never had a plan - it was just to try and get with the people you like to play with, and try to do the best you can.

When I was little, people would ask what my favorite color was, and I never knew. I find it's really hard to make decisive 'best' answers on what the 'best' of something is.

Batman has what is quite possibly the best rogues' gallery every created. People who have never read a comic can name half a dozen of his foes, and that's barely scratching the surface.

There are many outsiders that actively try to halt every natural resource development project in Alaska. Many of these same people have never even been to Alaska, yet they claim to know what's best for us.

I would never really analyse what I do. I leave that to other people - I'm not a critic. I just want to get on with whatever I have in hand, you know? Just try to make the best job of the available material.

Some of the guys that can teach you the best never really made it just because they couldn't execute it themselves, but they can tell everybody else the reasons why everybody else made it and show you how. It's just hard to find those people.

I think people who are destined to be friends, that are best friends, that genuinely, truly are invested in each other as human beings - a fight won't separate you forever. I've definitely had fights with my best friend, but it has never made us sever ties.

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