The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.

A good night's sleep is always the best way to wake up and go to work.

Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.

Statistically, I've done my best work at FC Bayern. I just feel really good here.

But I think I'm a nice friend and a good person, and I try to do my work as best I can.

I'm still working on my speech, but I do a lot of voice-acting work. My agent is the best. I make a good living.

I work myself into the ground. But I think I'm a nice friend and a good person, and I try to do my work as best I can.

I've been fortunate enough to work with lots of really good players, so it would be disrespectful to single out the best.

I'm inspired to work with good actors, period. I want to work with the best anytime because I think they'll make me better.

You have to make enough noise to be cast in the right films, and the best way to make that noise is to do lots of good work.

I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out.

I don't think for a second that I'm the best at anything, but I know I'm really good at quite a lot of things because I work hard.

Every job is good if you do your best and work hard. A man who works hard stinks only to the ones that have nothing to do but smell.

How do you make people do the best work? You make them feel comfortable, so you can feel comfortable - and then you can have a really good ballgame!

I think high self-esteem is overrated. A little low self-esteem is actually quite good. Maybe you're not the best, so you should work a little harder.

Juggling work and parental responsibilities is no easy task, but I'm trying my best and just like everything else there are good days and there are bad days.

I always wanted to do good work, the best that I was able to, to really discover myself, getting better with each role, and find newer ways to do the same thing.

What I have done is always try to be nice to work with. I make the best impression, try to do a good job... and if people hire me again, it's for the right reasons.

I always felt like I had something to prove, like I had to work twice as hard to make sure I got it. I knew I didn't want to be a good skier. I wanted to be the best.

It's very important to have a good relationship with the crew and cast because you want to get the best out of them. They'll work really hard for you if they like you.

The best way I know to get good work out of people is to create a good environment so that people have a good experience. I try to always hold up my own end by being prepared.

Bart The Bear was fantastic to work with. Absolutely brilliant and so, so good. The things that that bear could do to order! He was one of the best actors I've ever worked with.

Acting's the best job there is. Pretending to be someone you're not is good fun. It's also a non-ageist profession, and you get to work all over the world with people you admire.

I think I had a good rookie year, but at the end of the day, I want to be one of the best tight ends ever to play, and I'm going to set my standard for that and work toward that goal.

I'm interested in psychology and how your surroundings can influence your character, and because of that, I think I try and take the very best from a situation, good or bad, and constantly work on myself.

Good intentions and grand theories do not make a good programme. Programmes work best when they're based on a detailed und­er­standing of the problem being solved and how they are implemented on the ground.

I'm one of a few guys on the PGA Tour who doesn't work with an instructor. I'm not saying mechanics don't matter. But I play my best when I focus on staying in a good place mentally and keep the technique simple.

Scientists need to be prepared to engage, and the best people to engage with are students, ideally from primary school because there's no question that their capacity to work out complex things is extremely good.

I'm not like Henry Fonda. He lives to act. I've just had a dedication to do the best I could. When I don't have challenges, the days get long. But I do enjoy being on stage. If I do good work, I get a kick out of that.

Defensive backs are the best players on the field. But when you get an exceptional player like a Deion Sanders or a Darrell Green - these guys are fast and they have very good technique. You have to work a little harder.

I tried working with the best of directors and producers. I tried being selective, but things didn't work out. Now, I am open to working with anybody and everybody who is good. Or I'll try to make it good. That suits me.

A good coach will come in ra, ra, ra and rejig the whole set-up. That might work for a year or 18 months but isn't sustainable. A great coach has the ability to get the best out of his players without the ra, ra, ra stuff.

I suppose that I was a kind of consultant for taste. Is it good taste? Or bad taste? I had an attention to detail, to what would tell best the story. Because many people get excited about the work and drift off from the story.

Under Pep Guardiola, it's hard work. For me, Guardiola is one of the best coaches I've ever met. He's incredibly clever and tactically really good, and he knows how to speak to us, how to motivate us, and that's what it is like.

I'm only interested in being a good actor and in being remembered for my best films, not for the way I look. But it seems inevitable in this line of work that I have to care about the way I look without getting obsessed about it.

Whenever somebody folds, say, 'Good laydown.' It encourages them to fold on a later hand because it makes them feel like you had the best hand even if you were bluffing. It's an odd form of flattery that seems to work at the poker table.

I just can identify with that mentality of feeling that you should be the best, putting in the work, and then kind of being that backup or being that second guy and being like, nah, this isn't good enough for me, I'm going to be the best.

I always wanted to be the best I could be at whatever I did. I didn't want to be the number one golfer in the world. I just wanted to be as good as I could be. I work hard, I push myself hard, and I probably even expect too much of myself.

The best part is it's a dream come true. I've always wanted to be a working actor, and the good part of it... it's all good! I work long hours, but it's amazing. They pay me. That's amazing! I get to kiss Keri Russell, and that ain't too bad.

I understood that I was not the best director in the world nor the worst director in the world. I realized that there is a very mysterious element to what works and what doesn't work in the theater. And it's good to know that from the beginning.

You do your work, and you do the best you can. That's what my parents taught me, and I think what they were saying was, 'If you do a good job, other things may come your way.' That's really been the way my career has unfolded throughout the years.

The best restriction I learned was getting into the habit of doing something, even if I didn't feel like it, instead of running away from it. Sometimes good work needs to be earned, and when you can overcome yourself, the muse notices and celebrates.

Some people assume I'm a spoilt trust fund kid who's never had to work for anything, while others think the best of me because of the good experience they had with my grandfather. It's difficult to digest the fact that they may never see me for who I am.

I do like working out. I feel my best when I work out, but you know, I'm human. I like to ride my bicycle and lift weights and hike. When I am diligently working out, ideally, I like to work out four days a week. If I can do that, I feel good about myself.

I am the best in the world. It's 1: Cody; 2: Kenny; 3: Okada; 4: Charlotte; 5: Cena, with Ospreay creeping up on the list. It's my responsibility with the event to live up to that ranking. I am unbelievably good at this because of hard work and dedication.

I won because I was the people's favorite dancer, and that's what I work with these Idols on. There have been 1,000 singers before you that are as good or better than you, but you're not trying to be the best singer ever. You're trying to be the people's favorite singer.

I've done my best to work from a place of humility - always looking over your shoulder saying, 'Does this suck?' and I think that's a good way to work. The other way to work is where you start to think, 'I'm on fire, I'm amazing!' and I don't think that's the way to work.

Tarantino is the coolest damn guy; he's just so much fun to work with. He might be the best director I've ever worked with. He just seems to know how to do it and he knows how to make you feel good about it. He's having so much fun you start having fun. You can't help it.

Francisco Garcia could have been a high draft choice last year, probably in the 20s. He's the best wing player I've ever coached. But he's done it the right way. He knew he had to work on his body to become a good pro. When he goes into the pros, he'll be physically ready.

A good leader, in my view, should have a clear vision of the future they want and the society they need to build. They must also have a connection with the people who work for them and be able to mobilise their best energies to create teams where people can be most creative and happy.

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