I've always drawn on bits and pieces of my own life.

I read bits and pieces of 'Twilight' as we were making it.

I see bits and pieces of me in all the characters in my films.

I watch everybody and tried to take bits and pieces from everybody.

I'm just doing little bits and pieces for other magazines right now.

Journalism is always the art of the incomplete. You get bits and pieces.

Thinking fragments reality - it cuts it up into conceptual bits and pieces.

There are bits and pieces of me probably in every one of my 35 or so books.

Writing is like sewing together what I call these 'buttons,' these bits and pieces.

I believe in Buddhism. Not every aspect, but most of it. So I take bits and pieces.

Well, I think that in every character there are little bits and pieces of yourself.

I've got one idea I want to do for a film and you know I just enjoy myself doing bits and pieces.

Theatre is what I've always done, really, especially with the RSC, but I do bits and pieces on TV.

Whenever anything bubbles up, I have to put it down. I have bits and pieces all over my hard drive.

I don't watch the show - only bits and pieces of all of them. The only one I sat through was the pilot.

I slightly lost my enthusiasm for most acting, but I've done some little bits and pieces - curiosities.

My mom used to have a lot of European cinema playing in the house, so I'd catch bits and pieces of films.

I luckily had a very charming, lovable mom who I think everybody could see bits and pieces of their mom in.

Bits and pieces flung into the universe, sticking in the sky like cotton balls on a jet black velcro surface.

I give balanced, constructive views and what happens is that bits and pieces of what I say are used against me.

If you look at any creative person's work, you can see bits and pieces of their influences. That's what an artist does.

Freddie Mercury said years later that he got the idea for 'We Will Rock You' from 'Bits and Pieces.' I never knew that.

It's important that we're properly represented and for viewers to see all the bits and pieces of being a woman of color.

I still sing on bits and pieces. Singing's something that I love to do, but it's not something that I pursue as a career.

When I had worked on my first book, I had readily shown bits and pieces to everyone - for encouragement, to force myself to write.

All of my characters tend to be montages of different people I've met: little bits and pieces of their personalities put together.

When I pick up the guitar, it's a melody, and that's what drives the lyrics. It's bits and pieces of truth, but it is storytelling.

I'd go on the train to castings, changing from my school uniform on the train. I carried on like that for a few years, getting jobs in bits and pieces.

'Liv and Maddie' actually started out as a different show called 'Bits and Pieces,' and it was a completely different plot, although it was the same cast.

I take bits and pieces from everything. But I think the Method can be very isolating, and sometimes it's more about ego than playing the character truthfully.

As always, I keep my head up, look objectively at all the matches I played, see where I can improve, bits and pieces, and, you know, get ready as quick as I can.

I know a bit about vertebrate anatomy and I'd like to think that I'd spot if a skeleton was entirely fabricated or cobbled together from existing bits and pieces.

I think of my drawing style like handwriting: it's a mix of whatever handwriting you're born with, plus bits and pieces you've pilfered from other people around you.

I used to love looking at a recipe, getting all the bits and pieces in the shops, getting them ready and prepared... I don't really have the time to do that anymore.

Now I've got a fairly good grasp of the 18th century on what was common and what people thought. But I don't write in order. I write bits and pieces and sort of glue them.

When you're writing a story in bits and pieces, month in and month out, there really isn't time or space for reflection, no room to learn what those scripts had to teach you.

I was molded, spent my time underneath a lot of goo. And then the bits and pieces were sculpted. It took probably 10 days to create each character after all those camera tests.

No artist is well served in thinking what will happen to their works. The best one can hope is that they'll enter the mainstream, and people will pull bits and pieces from them.

I take little bits and pieces of ideas that I may or may not believe in but I give them to this character and he runs with them. I have fun with however he handles the situation.

'Air' is what the world looks like: An inconvenient mashup of human politics and divine geography. We leave bits and pieces of ourselves and our history in every place we encounter.

I used to write bits and pieces of comedy material for various comics that were at the Windmill... as well as my film job, I was under contract, I was allowed to do that and everything.

I'd take bits and pieces from a fighter, if I liked what they did, and I'd put it in my arsenal. I never wanted to fight like or be like any other fighter. I wanted a style that was unique for me.

Even clingfilm - if it's gone over a salad bowl, take it off, use it again. I wash out carrier bags; I save brown paper from parcels. I save string; I save ribbons. I separate all my bits and pieces.

On some level, every story draws something from life experiences. Most of the time, it's just a matter of me pulling bits and pieces of my own past to help give characters or settings a little more life.

I read a whole bunch of bits and pieces over the years, obviously from the fan magazines and the rest of the stuff, and I just wanted to give a little more insight into what's happening in my personal life.

I always draw from things around me that people around me have gone through... The story that could be taken really literally is not from my life exactly. But bits and pieces are, and the sentiment behind it is.

I'd never done a straight play before, never, and it was very hard work - really, really hard work. It was dense, really wordy, and I was determined to learn every word of it - not just skip over bits and pieces.

Given the growing popularity of pop culture conventions, many of them are selling out, leaving a lot of fans out in the dark and having to trawl the Internet for bits and pieces of news that relate to these events.

I wear my emotions on my sleeve. If I keep that bottled up, it's not going to be good. It's all going to come out at some point in time. I would rather it come out in little bits and pieces than me try to hold it in.

It's always hard when you're working on a project, and you're seeing it in bits and pieces, whether that be film, television, video games, animation - you only really have perspective of what you're interacting with.

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