The blue and bright-eyed floweret of the brook, Hope's gentle gem, the sweet Forget-me-not.

'Shocking' is like a bolt from the blue. It is something external that ruptures your world.

I got an attitude, that's rude because I walked over Elvis' grave in some blue suede shoes.

I have never really had a goal to be a true blue movie star, unlike a lot of my colleagues.

Down the blue night the unending columns press In noiseless tumult, break and wave and flow

Tall, sandy blonde, with sort of blue eyes, skinny in places, fat in others. An average gal.

Blues is a tonic for whatever ails you. I could play the blues and then not be blue anymore.

Song Sung Blue took a lot of compressing and refining, and it has one of my favorite lyrics.

Be like the bluebird who never is blue, For he knows from his upbringing what singing can do

Most whale photos you see show whales in this beautiful blue water - it's almost like space.

We must make sure that when someone sees the Blue Flag, she or he can say, 'I am protected.'

I'm not a fan of what we call 'friendly fire' or 'blue on blue.' We don't want to have that.

Competition like that seen between Blue Origin and SpaceX is key to rapid progress in space.

Because I'm from Manchester I'm always looking for a bit of blue sky wherever I can find it.

Indeed in my blue and white Sheffield Wednesday heart I applauded and supported his loyalty.

I liked to dye my hair as a teenager. I dyed it a lot of different colours: blue, red, pink.

It is dark now. The snow is deep blue and the ocean nearly black. It is time for some music.

White pill, blue pill, yellow pill, purple pill; its like swallowing a rainbow every bedtime.

I've had people come up and actually pick me up out of the blue. That gets a little annoying.

I think I have something tonight that's not quite correct for evening wear. Blue suede shoes.

And come, blue deeps! magnificently strown With coloured clouds - large, light, and fugitive.

I've never turned blue in someone else's bathroom. I consider that the height of bad manners.

I think if I'd never had found pro wrestling, I'd be a blue collar guy, working a 9-to-5 job.

He had electric blue hair that had stuck around his head like tendrils of a startled octopus.

I buy five of the same shirts. I literally have six blue shirts. Now I have six green shirts.

I'm a Red American; I believe in tax cuts. But I'm a Red American with a lot of Blue stripes.

The whole red state/blue state thing is very interesting. Watching that shift over the years.

At first there is nothing, then there is a profound nothingness, after that a blue profundity.

Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent.

I just am a Canadian. It is not a thing which you can escape from. It is like having blue eyes

This is not about race or affiliation, and it isn't about black versus blue. All lives matter.

Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragonfly Hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky.

A little blue-eyed blonde in a red hot sweater, wants to spice my chili, I think I'll let her.

As winds come whispering lightly from the West, Kissing, not ruffling, the blue deep's serene.

I picked up this book called Blue Mountain, supposed to be a really good book on the Civil War.

I can recommend wearing blue mascara whilst writing. I'm telling you, it really adds something.

I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.

I'm not a fashion person. I basically like to wear navy blue, and I don't need a lot of extras.

I think a lot of blue collar people related to me because a lot of people work for their money.

You have to carry so many archetypes as an actor, especially as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed one.

Little Richard was it for me, man. Later, it was Ray Charles and Bobby 'Blue' Bland, B.B. King.

It's a blue album, but it's not a blues album. I'm not pretending all of a sudden now I'm blues.

Hey, little dolly with the blue jeans on, I want to ramrod with you, honey, 'til half past dawn.

See the world as it truly is, small and blue, beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats.

My favorite NBA team are the houston rockets and favorite college team are the duke blue devils.

As long as a man has a golden heart, it does not matter whether he has green blood or blue skin!

beautiful December grapes, blue as plums, every grape a little skinful of sweet, tasteless water

Pedaling through the dark currents, I find an accurate copy. A blue print of the pleasure in me.

Music is not written in red, white and blue. It is written in the heart's blood of the composer.

The soft blue sky did never melt Into his heart; he never felt The witchery of the soft blue sky!

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