Feeling a little blue in January is normal.

I'm such a sucker for the Tiffany blue box.

There's a few tired limbs in the blue legs.

My heart is green, yellow, blue, and white.

My first instrument was a little blue ukele.

His blue eyes were seas where sorrow sailed.

I learned to play drums to the 'Blue Album.'

A mechanic is just an engineer in blue jeans.

Good-humor is the clear blue sky of the soul.

And blue-lung'd combers lumbered to the kill.

The curse is an incredible set of blue balls.

Blue Shift' is a game that I'm very proud of.

If you see a tree as blue, then make it blue.

Black men built the railroads, not blue eyes.

Walk with electro-glide down the blue highway.

How sweet to be a Cloud. Floating in the Blue!

Mother, she likes the blue material just fine.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

I was on 'Blue Bloods.' Which I think got cut.

It's hard to see your dad once in a blue moon.

You will find my last words in the blue folder.

I don't like red. I like blue. That's my color.

I come from blue collar. I'm very working class.

I love the University of Kentucky. I bleed blue.

Blue is bright and gives us hope for the future.

Blue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions.

The river was so blue it seemed to be breathing.

I'm a doofus from the Valley, a blue-collar guy.

Im completely gobsmacked by the Rookie Blue fans.

Blue uniforms are real. Cops are a social fiction

The sheen of ocean gleams on the blue fish-plate.

but i know blue only blue lonely blue without you

The Blue Ridge Mountains are an incredible place.

Nonsense. Space is blue and birds fly through it.

Once in a blue moon someone like you comes along.

I am in the Matrix and I just took the blue pill.

The Earth is blue... how wonderful. It is amazing

Blue is the smoke of wrar, white the bones of men.

Blue Ivy is a star. She is just a star. I can see.

There is no blue without yellow and without orange.

Anyone's blood can become blue for a lump sum down.

Occasionally, I'll wear glitter or blue eye shadow.

I'm completely gobsmacked by the 'Rookie Blue' fans.

Blue oblivion, largely lit, smiled and smiled at me.

It’s time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress.

They moved together, blue diamonds on a green field.

You're my North Star when I'm lost and feeling blue.

Black hair and blue eyes are my favorite combination.

I always relate respectfully with blue-collar people.

Today I am a small blue thing Like a marble or an eye

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