The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.

Fairness, does not govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young. ~ The blue man

Millennials aspire to marry the blue skies thinking of the Boomers with the grass-roots mindset of GenX.

... do something. Pay your rent for the privilege of living on this beautiful, blue-green, living Earth.

If you're successful, 'Blue Shift' has what many have called the most satisfying 'Half-Life' ending yet.

Like Hollywood movies, MTV and blue jeans, fast food has become one of America's major cultural exports.

Although Dorothy in Blue Velvet was humiliated and hurt by men, basically I could react to how she felt.

His hand is cool on my cheek as he paints a tear beneath my left eye, dark blue and swollen with sorrow.

'Dark Blue' is ultimately a gritty crime drama, at its core. I don't think that is ever going to change.

Blue Ivy can say she knows who her great-great-great-great-grandfather is. How many people can say that?

The old brown hen and the old blue sky, Between the two we live and die The broken cartwheel on the hill.

Fog and one blue light is all I need in life at the club. Just a dark room and loud music. I'm into that.

It was so simple to paint things as I saw them; to put without special calculation a red close to a blue.

I see the horizon. A light blue, a beautiful band. This is the Earth. How beautiful it is! All goes well.

I want all of the blue collar American working class people to know that I'm out there fighting for them.

When people are infected by my charm, they don't see my size. My piercing deep blue eyes are distracting.

No blue without yellow and without orange, and if you do blue, then do yellow and orange as well, surely.

Green is the fresh emblem of well founded hopes. In blue the spirit can wander, but in green it can rest.

The colours red, blue and green are real. The colour yellow is a mystical experience shared by everybody.

She took refuge on the firm ground of fiction, through which indeed there curled the blue river of truth.

[Campaign sign when running for Congress in 1967:] Vote for me or I will hold my breath until I turn blue.

Mandela once phoned me out of the blue while he was still president, and at first he played with me a bit.

Collin Singleton could no more stay cool than a blue whale could stay skinny or Bangladesh could stay rich

I always carried a small American flag red white and blue with me so people would know I was from America.

I'm a real blue jeans girl, I wear jeans all the time and I couldn't live without them. Jeans and blazers.

Even when I look straight into the milky blue eyes I can't find myself any more. When did I stop being me?

Imagine Texas as a blue state: how hard it would be to carry the presidency or gain control of the Senate.

The Egyptian FA have tried to persuade me to play for them, but all I'm dreaming about is the blue jersey.

Heaven is not the wide blue sky but the place where corporeality is begotten in the house of the Creative.

We can all be heroes, joining together in a grand mission to save those living on this little blue planet.

From a narrative perspective, 'Blue Shift' for the PC and 'Blue Shift' for the Dreamcast are very similar.

The story of Little Blue Riding Hood is true. Only the color has been changed to prevent an investigation.

You can try on our suede underwear if you choose. Do what you want, but don't step on my blue suede shoes.

I live in a blue-collar neighborhood, and if anyone knows what I do for a living, they don't seem to care.

The mind itself is an art object ... The mind is a blue guitar on which we improvise the song of the world.

He looked at her and for a moment she lived in the bright blue worlds of his eyes, eagerly and confidently.

If entertainment ran grocery stores, we'd NEVER get oil cured olives or blue cheese, it would be JUST Coke.

was a clear, pale blue like the eyes of a Siberian husky dog. Human beings just didn't have eyes like that.

I wear weird-colored toenail polish - like blue, green, or yellow. If it's strange-looking, I will wear it.

My absolute favorite pieces are 'Rhapsody in Blue' and 'Begin the Beguine.' I play these when I am working.

I was standing on the deck of the USS Blue, a destroyer. We were all alone out there at this buoy, tied up.

When I was born, my father was a copper miner in Butte, Montana. It was a hard-core, blue-collar situation.

What, then, is this blue sky, which certainly does exist, and which veils from us the stars during the day?

I don't see how an epigram, being a bolt from the blue, with no introduction or cue, ever gets itself writ.

Calling Batman 'the Dark Knight' is like calling Papa Smurf 'the Blue Patriarch':you're not fooling anyone.

The Subject has really blue eyes that twinkle when he looks at someone like she's maybe a little bit insane.

The admirals of his majesty's fleet are classed into three squadrons, viz. the red, the white, and the blue.

For here Am I sitting in a tin can, Far above the world. Planet Earth is blue, And there's nothing I can do.

So What or Kind of Blue were done in that era, the right hour, the right day. It's over; it's on the record.

From yon blue heaven above us bent, The grand old gardener and his wife Smile at the claims of long descent.

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