If blue is dream what then innocence? What awaits the heart if Love bears no arrows?

A certain blue enters your soul. A certain red has an effect on your blood-pressure.

Blue cheese contains natural amphetamines. Why are students not informed about this?

The Blue Dogs are a group of conservative Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Picasso had his pink period and his blue period. I am in my blonde period right now.

I remember too, a distant bell...and stars that fell...like the rainout of the blue.

Being alive is gardening and cooking and birds and green and blue, at the very least.

A pair of blue jeans is a must. It is the most comfortable outfit anyone can opt for.

I like to emphasize my eyes because if I do it well enough, then they look very blue.

Even behind prison walls I can see the heavy clouds and the blue sky over the horizon

I had to keep reminding myself in 'Blue Valentine' that I was actually making a film.

Did you know, I'm still in love with this blue sky until forever and ever, eternally.

Almost without exception, blue refers to the domain of abstraction and immateriality.

A pool of melancholy blooms in my chest and rushes into my body like deep-blue blood.

Any opportunity you get to play for your country and wear that blue cap is an honour.

'Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On' was my anthem as a child. It was about me. I was Baby.

Pitt will always be my school and I'm honored to be able to support the Blue and Gold.

I got 'The Red White and Blue' out of journalism. It puts you in touch with the world.

When the going gets tough in Washington, presidents appoint 'blue ribbon' commissions.

As an accountant by trade, my work for blue chip companies took me all over the world.

The little windflower, whose just opened eye is blue as the spring heaven it gazes at.

I sing 'Blue Moon of Kentucky.' It's a country song. It's one of my favorites to sing.

Red meat is not really bad for a person. Now, blue-green meat - that's damaging of you!

The little wind-flower, whose just opened eye Is blue as the spring heaven it gazes at.

I don't like labels, but I do have blue eyes and I'm soulful, so what am I going to do?

Yes, sir. I'm a real Southern boy. I got a red neck, white socks, and Blue Ribbon beer.

You don't have to travel around the world to understand that the sky is blue everywhere

I want to paint sunshine and burning golden leaves and blue waters, and laughing faces.

Describing one competitive advantage of IBM's Deep Blue chess computer. It has no fear.

Unrequited love is so boring. Weeping under a blue-black sky is for suckers or maniacs.

I must be dead for there is nothing but blue snow and the furious silence of a gunshot.

I can promote until I am blue in the face, but ultimately nobody knows what makes a hit.

Before I put 'Blue Lights' out, I deleted my Instagram and everything and started again.

A red apple isn't red, nor the lemon yellow. The sky is seldom blue, only when it isn't.

Every man's closet should be dark pair of blue jeans, a black jean, and a mid wash jean.

We've both got into the blue beetle. He got into the red door, I got into the white one.

Every day, the sun comes out and the sky's always blue. That's what I miss about Denver.

Stop reading the news for a week; you will see that the world will turn from red to blue!

New England oysters are better than Chesapeake. But Chesapeake blue crabs are unbeatable.

I am Ecuadorian but people felt so safe passing me off as a skinny, blue-eyed white girl.

Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? Why did Judas rat to the Romans while Jesus slept?

Sometimes on my show, I just play something out of the blue, and the band picks up on it.

In the pit of red You hid from the bone-clinic whiteness But the jewel you lost was blue.

He'd made sure i had something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

The old cathedrals are good, but the great blue dome that hangs over everything is better.

No matter how politely one says it, we owe our existence to the farts of blue-green algae.

The President doesn't ring people out of the blue, so you know you've done something well.

Royal blood isn't blue, it is a jaundiced shade of red and riddled with broken chromosomes

And the violet lay dead while the odour flew On the wings of the wind o'er the waters blue.

Some people are like blue jeans- the older and more beat up they get, the better they look.

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