I can't stand Bob Dylan.

I've always loved Bob Dylan.

I loved working with Bob Dylan.

Bob Dylan is the Jew of all time.

I'll never be Bob Dylan. He's the master.

That's who I wanted to be like was Bob Dylan.

I thought he was the greatest thing. Bob Dylan.

I'm a big Bob Dylan fan. I'm also a blues geek.

I'm a catalogue artist: I compete with Bob Dylan.

I'm not that kind of Bob Dylan, tortured creative.

Bob Dylan is out of the mentorship of Allen Ginsberg.

Bob Dylan, I'd say, is probably my favorite musician.

I've always liked acoustic blues. I liked Bob Dylan a lot.

The most memorable moment was playing drums with Bob Dylan.

Bob Dylan - I will listen to any of his songs over and over.

Bob Dylan is as influential as any artist that there has been.

I love that Bob Dylan asked me to be in the first movie he wrote.

I want to see Bob Dylan do sketch comedy. I'm a huge Bob Dylan fan.

I was buying Bob Dylan mainly, everything I could get hold of by him.

I love Bob Dylan. 'Blood on the Tracks' is one of my top five records.

I never had this ego where I must write everything. I'm not Bob Dylan.

I admire those old road dogs, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan. That's their life.

Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Neil Young and Bob Dylan are my main influences.

I used to read a lot of Steinbeck, and I admired Roger Miller and Bob Dylan.

When I was playing with Bob Dylan in, like, 1966, I was, like, 20 years old.

Well, I love Bob Dylan, let's make that clear. He's one of my musical heroes.

It's always Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom Waits for me - the big three.

I love Mac Miller. I'm a big Drake fan. I love Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley.

My love was Bob Dylan, but as I got older I realized a good ballad was a good ballad.

If I wasn't Bob Dylan, I'd probably think that Bob Dylan has a lot of answers myself.

I sounded like Bob Dylan for about five minutes, and it was blown out of all proportion.

I always love listening to Bob Dylan. 'Blood on the Tracks' is one of my favorite albums.

And you don't want to just totally mess up the rhythm when you're playing with Bob Dylan.

Bob Dylan impresses me about as much as... well, I was gonna say a slug but I like slugs.

You could live in Winnipeg a thousand years and not meet Ringo, Paul McCartney, or Bob Dylan.

In the '60s, I used to love rock magazines; I'd cut out pictures of Bob Dylan and John Lennon.

Once I'd heard 'Modern Times' by Bob Dylan, it really changed the way I wanted to make records.

Bob Dylan did the first really long record - Like A Rolling Stone - I think it was four minutes.

We soaked up everything from Beethoven to Chopin to Jimi Hendrix to Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan.

I listened to a lot of Bob Dylan songs to see how he works. I've gotten into writing story-songs.

Bob Dylan has and Einstein had their own way of perceiving the universe and translating it for us.

I've grown up on Bob Dylan and all that, but there was a certain standard set up by people before 1955.

Growing up, I was inspired by The Beatles and Bob Dylan. Damian Rice was a huge influence for me musically.

The early Bob Dylan was compulsively drawn to the conflict between stability and the search for immortality.

If they made a movie about Bob Dylan, I would love to play a young Bob Dylan; I mean, I've got the wild hair.

My musical tastes go from Zeppelin to Bob Dylan to Kanye West and Lil' Wayne. Anything modern and progressive.

I couldn't have asked for a better testimonial than Bob Dylan parting with his own cash for a pair of my shoes.

I would say that Bob Dylan is as interested in money as any person I've known in my life. That's just the truth.

Bob Dylan enabled rock & roll to grow up and survive. He injected the power of language and ideas into the music.

I've been really, really blessed. I got to perform on stage with Bob Dylan. I've gotten to sing with Mick Jagger.

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