Every knock is a boost.

I always try to boost everyone's spirits.

There's good in everybody. Boost. Don't knock.

A split second can ruin or boost the sequence.

I think attacks on civilians in fact boost morale.

Playing collectively will boost our chances of winning.

I just have that extra boost in games. I don't know why.

If we boost productivity, we can improve economic growth.

Theatre worked as a big boost and improved my film career.

Winning the U.K. Open's a massive boost for my confidence.

We fail to boost our offshore production at our own expense.

When you score a goal, it boosts yourself and the team as well.

Real competition can drive up testosterone, which boosts libido.

Cristiano's strength always gives the team a boost in every way.

We think there are lifestyle factors that boost telomerase naturally.

Encouragement makes an actor perform better and boosts his confidence.

Every act of kindness on your part is a boost to your own immune system.

For golf, being in the Olympics is a big boost. More so for Indian golf.

Home-produced energy enhances our energy security and boosts the economy.

Winning a tournament at the end of the year boosts your confidence a lot.

The variable that really boosts your performance is the actors around you.

The Parent Trap gave my career another boost, starring in family comedies.

Winning Le Mans didn't change my career, but it definitely gave me a boost.

Just being attached to 'Superman' actually gave a great boost to my career.

Winning was such as confidence boost, and fashion is a lot about confidence.

There is nothing like widespread poverty to boost a country's equality index.

It definitely gives you a boost away from home and being down and coming back.

You don't boost growth by cutting taxes, you do that by giving money to people.

When Martin O'Neill spent £9m on me to take me to Villa, it was a massive boost.

Thank you for leaving us alone but giving us enough attention to boost our egos.

I would have taken any number but getting seven was a big boost to my confidence.

Problems are hidden opportunities, and constraints can actually boost creativity.

When you feel healthy, it boosts your confidence level and it reflects on your face.

Women's boxing has received a major boost from the success of 'Million Dollar Baby.'

If you're presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.

I don't know anyone who couldn't use a little boost in their energy and self-control.

I take goldenseal, Echinacea and cod liver oil when flying to boost my immune system.

Our feeling is that the status quo often gets a boost and this is the new status quo.

Even noteworthy performance attainments do not necessarily boost perceived self-efficacy

Healthy competition is good to boost ourselves and helps you to take the flight forward.

The success of Chandni Bar' at the box office was a huge boost at that time of my career.

Volunteering to help others is the right thing to do, and it also boosts personal happiness

We can boost our immune systems by strengthening our social networks and decreasing stress.

If it's of help to my candidates, I would like to go anywhere to give my candidates a boost.

Bands always call me when they are in need of a boost and I come in and put them back on top.

When you get your name out there in Las Vegas and New York, that boosts your brand even more.

I'm really happy, and beating Marc [Marquez] at the very last chicane gives me an extra boost.

What the investment community does like is short-term measures designed to boost share prices.

It's very validating when you are new in the industry to get awards. It boosts your self-esteem.

One of President Obama's first acts was to give a massive boost to America's scientific community.

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