I see myself in business. I'm good with numbers. It's just something that interests me.

I want to prove to people that every single business can be reinvented and fixed. And I want to prove to myself that I'm good at it.

After all those years in the business, I asked myself, 'Am I really any good? Or am I only good because I'm with good people - a Murray Pearlstein, a Ralph Lauren?

I really want to get into designing my own business suit. I've designed a couple suits for myself that I've worn in the past, and I have a good idea of what I want and need to use.

After 'A Good Day to Die Hard,' I had a bit of an identity crisis as far as where I wanted to place myself in the business. When it's all new and fresh, there is a lot of pressure to know what you represent, and I didn't really get that.

When I first started out in the entertainment business, I made a list of people I thought it would be good to meet. Not people who could give me a job or a deal, but people who could shake me up, teach me something, challenge my ideas about myself and the world.

Whatever anybody eats is their business. I'm just a vegetarian because I personally want to be. If my sons want to go have a steak... then that's their decision. But coming from my hand, as their mother, I have to give them what I feel is good for them. I don't take a stand morally. This is for myself.

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