I've worn down America.

Fashion needs to be worn.

I've worn some ugly shoes.

Success is a worn down pencil.

I've never worn a hoodie before!

Worn out places, worn out faces.

To be worn out is to be renewed.

For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.

I've worn a lot of hats in the NFL.

I've not worn underwear for 20 years.

The #18 jersey will never be worn again

If the shoe fits, it is probably worn out.

Ralph Lauren was borin' before I wore him.

I'd never worn a tie before. I was a bushman.

I have put off the past like a worn-out cloak.

My life is like my shoes, worn out by service.

Of course I remember everything I've ever worn.

People in jobs that they hate must be worn out.

I've worn makeup for so long, my skin needs it.

I have never worn dresses by grands couturiers.

I have worn fake hair since I was 17 years old.

You can't recall someone whose name has worn away.

Fashion has to be worn; otherwise it doesn't exist.

One vice worn out makes us wiser than fifty tutors.

Emotionally, I've always worn my heart on my sleeve.

A successful lawsuit is the one worn by a policeman.

Makeup isn't something I've worn a lot of in my life.

I've been spoiled rotten with the costumes I've worn.

I was born in high heels and I've worn them ever since.

I have never worn a watch. I did at 17 and it annoyed me.

For forty years, I've worn the same Azzaro Uomo fragrance.

... and she had worn bitterness as though it were a crown.

The glory of being a carrier pilot has certainly worn off.

My worries travel around in my head on their well worn path

Albertans have always worn their passions on their sleeves.

Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out.

Randalf the Wise indeed!I've worn wiser pairs of underpants!

I like my denim to fit a bit relaxed and feel a bit worn in.

I've always worn earplugs, but I'm sure my hearing's not great.

The Ozarks are old and worn mountains from the geological past.

My color is black. And black, if it's worn right, is a scandal.

I like pieces that have everyday appeal and can be worn anywhere!

Of course you can still paint landscape - it's not been worn out.

Let me apologize for all the faces I've worn, none of them my own.

What if my trousers are shabby and worn, they cover a warm hearth.

I've never worn the same pair of shoes twice, ever. That's a fact.

I am disgusted and worn out with the system that seems to prevail.

When I'm too worn out or in pain, I lie in bed and write in my mind.

I haven't worn one for a long time, but I look pretty good in a suit.

Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly.

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