Cool is just something we've never been.

Money is just something to be circulated.

There's just something hypnotic about maps.

The tattoos, they were just something to do.

There's just something about fresh tortillas.

Local casting is just something I love doing.

For me, old age is just something that happens.

Fighting's not me - it's just something that I do.

There was just something about me she did not like.

Bailing on a company is just something you don't do.

Passion is just something that comes naturally to me.

Ballet was just something that I always wanted to do.

Writing music is just something that I was born to do.

It's just something that's sort of funny, sort of not.

There's just something extraordinary about that Selma Hayek.

Going to church and stuff was just something I did with my mom.

Sports is just something I have a knack to figure out how to play.

I never wanted to be an actor. It was just something that happened.

I think leadership is just something that comes really natural to me.

Maybe I'll paint, do photography, just something else. I can see that.

I've always been singing, and acting was just something that happened.

Saving people, helping people, is just something I always wanted to do.

There's just something about dance. It's like a primal thing in all of us.

Acting is just something I always knew I wanted to do - acting and writing.

I love singing. I can't say it sounds good; it's just something I like doing.

I needed football - it was just something to do, an excuse to not be at home.

There's just something that is kind of magical that happens when we sing live.

We never intended to be comedic directors; it was just something we fell into.

My dad had me on the golf course. It was just something I could do with my dad.

I believe I'm an artist that just shines live - it's just something that happens.

Guitar playing is just something that came to me and is really second nature now.

Fighting is just something that's gonna open doors for things to come in the future.

I love to talk about sports. I love sports; it's just something that's in my nature.

Bodybuilding is not my main objective in life. It's just something I do on the side.

I learned to write from different points of view and not just something I would say.

Sometimes it feels as if everything in life is just something we haul into the grave.

Scarface is just a character. He's just something to look at. He's not nothing to be.

Guitar is just something I can do. So much of it now is muscle memory, just instinct.

There is just something about starting your day with something luxurious like a bath.

Writing is just something I've always done. It's just kind of the reality of who I am.

I see myself in business. I'm good with numbers. It's just something that interests me.

Insecurity is just something that's there all the time. I've never been crippled by it.

Oh yes, much, because music is just something that comes to you. You don't question it.

The public doesn't care about my size. It's just something for the media to talk about.

I've never really cared if I was famous for my music. It was just something I had to do.

I grew up playing sports, and being athletic was just something I have always hung on to.

I think music should be the basis of an education, not just something you do once a week.

You know when people ask sometimes what are you doing, and you say just something to them.

Instagram is just something I like to do. I feel it's the best way to portray who you are.

Clothes is just something you put on to cover yourself... fashion is a way to communicate.

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