Music's designed to be timeless.

Voting is designed for old people.

Souls are designed to fit inside a body.

God designed humans to live in community.

A camel is a horse designed by committee.

I think I'm designed to regret everything.

Proteins aren't designed, they're evolved.

I'm not designed to interact with society.

Everything is designed to help you sell out.

The economy is designed to serve the individual.

Protest is, at its core, designed to move policy.

I have never designed a language for its own sake.

Our democracy is designed to speak truth to power.

Souls are not designed to float around in thin air.

Marketing is designed to bring people into something.

Noise is a parasite. Anything noisy is poorly designed.

Language that is designed to dehumanize has consequences.

I want to live in a space that I designed, that is for me.

The poverty program was not designed to eliminate poverty.

My dad designed houses and was an architect for many years.

Plays are designed to attack certain coverages and schemes.

Film seems to be a medium designed for betrayal and violence.

It is great to see kits designed specifically with us in mind.

My music is designed to make a club go insane when it goes on.

Clothes are designed for the media, because it's a great show.

Military investigations are designed not to find anyone guilty.

Well, that's what it was bloody well designed to do, wasn't it?

'Napoleon' is pure cinema, and cinema was designed for sharing.

People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it.

WikiLeaks is designed to make capitalism more free and ethical.

I am not designed to come second or third. I am designed to win.

Football is a game designed to keep coal miners off the streets.

I've been a printmaker and designed objects. I've done 500 posters.

Products have to be designed in a way that they are comprehensible.

I am grateful to those directors who actually designed roles for me.

A lot of sports cars are just not designed for the larger gentleman.

I have designed the most buildings of any living American architect.

Every application designed for 2D interfaces will be obsoleted by AR.

Modern instruments were designed to throw sound all in one direction.

Out Of Your Mind Fitness is designed to train the human body to move.

Destiny is not designed by mere mortals like us. It is crafted by God.

Everything my mother and father did was designed to put me where I am.

Once I've designed something, I immediately move on to the next thing.

I have been wearing clothes designed by Maheshwari for many years now.

Perfectly ordered disorder designed with a helter-skelter magnificence.

The cottage garden; most for use designed, Yet not of beauty destitute.

Human beings are not designed to be alone. None of God's creatures are.

Theaters are great. They're designed to sound good, not for basketball.

Everything I write is designed to be milked to the last drop of revenue.

I always designed my robes and how I would present myself at every fight.

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