Confidence, capital, and new markets fuel entrepreneurship and job-generating expansion of existing businesses.

The experience is fundamentally different for buying from local businesses than it is for buying consumer goods.

Resources businesses must contribute to sustainable development if we are to continue to have access to resources.

Politicians like to talk about incentives - for businesses to relocate, for example, or to get folks to buy local.

I've felt a little culpable that we entrepreneurs often invent businesses just to drive people to buy more things.

We're all about trying to create ideas to help get businesses to grow and listening to businesses to help them out.

People invest in businesses that they believe have the leadership, mission and team to grow and operate profitably.

As American families and businesses have been forced to tighten their belts, Washington has refused to do the same.

Most phenomenal startup teams create businesses that ultimately fail. Why? They built something that nobody wanted.

I'm a capitalist but one who is smallist and localist, and who favours businesses where owners are still in charge.

Lots of businesses built in the early 1990s were not very transparent, not only by Russians, but also by foreigners.

I believe businesses don't grow or develop in terms of a blueprint. There is a huge element of opportunism involved.

Businesses large and small shouldn't have to check the expiration date of a tax provision to see if it's still good.

Location is the key to most businesses, and the entrepreneurs typically build their reputation at a particular spot.

What I would say is governments need assistance to run their organisations more efficiently just like businesses do.

Most businesses fail because they want the right things but measure the wrong things, and they get the wrong results.

There's definitely a huge opportunity for businesses to transform their operations and decision making by using data.

Energy efficiency not only saves businesses and consumers money, but it also reduces pollution by cutting energy use.

In Nigeria, along with its West African neighbor Ghana, women are now starting businesses in greater numbers than men.

I understand the art of PR, social media, gossip, and what that does for businesses, so I don't really trip off of it.

I don't really see myself getting a Twitter account. Nothing against it. I get it. I especially get it for businesses.

Unemployment, foreclosures, bankruptcy - the cure is not more government spending, but helping businesses create jobs.

I came up with the idea that I wanted to develop products because I saw services businesses being a dead end long term.

If you're running businesses anywhere in the world, people who really do well are the people who have mental toughness.

But economic recovery must be earned. And it will be earned by entrepreneurs and it will be earned by small businesses.

For small businesses, you need less taxes, less federal spending, and you need less regulation that blocks their growth.

My goal is to embrace the people, the 'natural resources' of Israel, and to build businesses with the creative Israelis.

Votorantim is attentive to opportunities that arise in both domestic and international markets to expand its businesses.

My vision is to build an e-commerce ecosystem that allows consumers and businesses to do all aspects of business online.

Big businesses aren't the only ones in the economic ecosystem. Nobody should fall behind because of an unfair structure.

More and more people are opening online stores and online retail businesses. This market is expanding very, very quickly.

There are so many businesses that are succeeding on Yelp that don't pay us a dollar, and we're really excited about that.

The magic formula that successful businesses have discovered is to treat customers like guests and employees like people.

If you want to have prosperity here, we really have to see our small businesses able to grow and compete around the world.

When businesses face tough times, one of the first items they cut is overhead expenses. The government should do the same.

The need to encourage entrepreneurship and ensure that young people have the opportunity to start new businesses is acute.

What interests me is starting businesses on our own, finding ideas that we can support, and simply investing in invention.

Singapore is a natural gateway for international firms looking to access Asia and for Asian businesses to access the world.

Accountancy prepares one to be able to run very different kinds of businesses, and my background prepared me for the music.

Businesses that run well are almost like marriages. Everything has to be up for discussion, or there will be real problems.

The Federal Reserve needs to provide small businesses in America with the same low-interest loans it gave to foreign banks.

Businesses should be assured that law enforcement will operate with the utmost sensitivity toward victims of cyber attacks.

We need dynamic and thriving businesses and a skilled and adaptable labour force to produce competitiveness and prosperity.

Developing countries often have hypertrophied bureaucracies, requiring businesses to deal with enormous amounts of red tape.

It struck me that most businesses have less than 100 employees, but most payroll services were going after bigger companies.

My dream is to make the world sound better, but the only way to do that is to let businesses see that there is profit in it.

American businesses deserve a federal government that doesn't stand in their way, not one that tries to chase them overseas.

Good debt growth is when you borrow money, and it goes into the real economy. You do capital spending. You build businesses.

Government and businesses cannot function without enormous amounts of data, and many people have to have access to that data.

My favorite thing about Los Angeles is there are businesses that you can call, and they will deliver groceries to your house.

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