When you're making pictures out of heartfelt passion, it hurts when someone calls them a calculated business move.

Whenever you have a tight situation and there's a close pitch, the umpire gets a squawk no matter how he calls it.

I text nonstop, and I love emoji. I'm also on the phone quite a bit for work - probably more than 10 calls per day.

If a law commands me to sin I will break it; if it calls me to suffer, I will let it take its course unresistingly.

One of my dreams was being called a 'Diaper Dandy' by Dick Vitale. He calls me that all the time now. It's surreal.

My family calls me Mitchell. But I have friends and teammates who call me Mitch, as well. I don't have a preference.

I can recognize the calls of practically every bird in North America. There are some in Africa I don't know, though.

Wisdom stands at the turn in the road and calls upon us publicly, but we consider it false and despise its adherents.

Any man today who returns from work, sinks into a chair, and calls for his pipe is a man with an appetite for danger.

Anytime the premiere sports channel calls you and says they want to do a movie about you, you're going to say, 'Yes.'

Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.

It's rare to work on a series without a writer. If you have a question about a line, then phone calls have to be made.

The consistency of the game calls, I've been on both sides of it. I've been where the whistle has been in favor of you.

What a country calls its vital... interests are not things that help its people live, but things that help it make war.

Using a special device, it's possible to steal calls and impersonate callers in the middle of a call as it's happening.

When controversy calls, corporations can be far more responsive than politicians. The market votes every day, after all.

No one among us suffers the radical appreciation for coffee that I do. It calls to me, but I have learned not to listen.

I've had to fight for roles and I've lost a hundred roles, but 'Smoking' and 'Smith' were phone calls. That's the dream.

The Bible calls us to love our neighbors, and to do justice and love kindness, not to indiscriminately kill one another.

Texts and e-mails travel no faster than phone calls and telegrams, and their content isn't necessarily richer or poorer.

Welcome to ABC News, the network that hires Clinton butt-kissers/donors and calls them 'chief political correspondents.'

The Adequate Protest demands far more than protests. It calls for Great and Daring Leaps of Integrity and Courage to See.

We can say that Japan is the only country that calls into question the outcome of the Second World War; no one else does.

Given the long history of global anti-Semitism and continued calls for the destruction of Israel, it's tough to be a Jew.

Go to where the ducks are. Forget the duck calls. If you go where the ducks are coming, you're going to shoot more ducks.

Fear is the major cargo that American writers must stow away when the writing life calls them into carefully chosen ranks.

To say the U.S. government is targeting U.S. persons, to listen to their phone calls and read their emails, is just false.

When a manager calls you and says you are part of his plans and that he trusts you, then you will give everything for him.

There's times when one play makes the whole difference, one calls makes the whole difference. And tonight it was that call.

Death wasn't part of God's original plan for humanity, and the Bible calls death an enemy - the last enemy to be destroyed.

The musicians in Chicago gave me my vocation, but New York calls to a jazz musician, for sure. You want to test your mettle.

I'm emotionally attached to my movies and crew. Maybe that's why my wife calls me 'workaholic' at times. I love doing my job.

A producer is someone who actually calls the shots. An executive producer is just a guy that eats more food at craft service.

The things I'm most excited about are projects I'm producing. But if a director I'd love to work with calls, I'm always game.

What a man calls his 'conscience' is merely the mental action that follows a sentimental reaction after too much wine or love.

Trans justice calls on us to combat the blend of prejudices that demean the lives and diminish the autonomy of another person.

When we save the rain forest, the polar bear, and Al Gore, we should party so hard that Canada calls the cops on us for noise.

Canada now calls itself an 'emerging energy superpower.' In reality, it is nothing more than a Third World energy supermarket.

The telephone is a 100-year-old technology. It's time for a change. Charging for phone calls is something you did last century.

You eat and sleep it all day long and play on the streets until mom calls you in. My story is no different than anybody else's.

Everyone calls himself a friend, but only a fool relies on it; nothing is commoner than the name, nothing rarer than the thing.

If Mr. Selwyn calls again, show him up; if I am alive I shall be delighted to see him; and if I am dead he would like to see me.

I knew there were calls for diversity in children's lit, but you always wonder as a person of color, how diverse is too diverse?

A lot of the companies I work with, they're not returning my calls or emails on weekends. So weekends are weekends for Ultimate.

When God calls a man to be upright and pure and generous, he also calls him to be intelligent and skillful, and strong and brave.

It's been such a nice journey doing 'When Calls the Heart' from Episode 1 to Episode 12. It's been a really, really nice journey.

I'm signed to a U.S. label, and I didn't enjoy the 3 A.M. phone calls. I'm not a great sleeper, so I didn't enjoy being woken up.

'An Inspector Calls' is a British classic, and I am thrilled to be working on this beautiful screen adaptation with Aisling Walsh.

You get so close, a lot of close calls, and then it just doesn't happen. That's just the way the industry is. It's very difficult.

I just go my own way. If my agent calls and presents me with something, and I find it refreshing or illuminating, yeah, I'll do it.

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