I just go out there and play. I don't know if it's being young and not getting calls, or some other circumstances. I'm just trying to make a play.

As recently as 2014, I was a Paul Ryan supporter. I pounded signs and made phone calls on his behalf. I bought his book and gave it out to friends.

I met with several public company CEOs to learn about their experiences of going public and listened to as many earnings calls as I possibly could.

In the gay (Catholic) community, it would seem, the maxim is: love the sin and love the sinner, but hate anyone who calls it a sin or him a sinner.

As far as 'Final Destination' and its creator, Jeffrey Reddick, are concerned, whenever Jeffrey calls, because of our friendship, I have to listen.

I think God calls and encourages us to dream big, but sometimes we put God in a box in a very small way, when God wants us to look outside the box.

The first thing I went out for was 'The Sopranos' and I got it, so that's how it happened. I hate to say it like that because I wait for calls now.

Even the weakest disputant is made so conceited by what he calls religion, as to think himself wiser than the wisest who think differently from him.

People came to my house in limos looking for WallWalkers, and they made emergency calls, breaking into our phone conversations trying to order them.

I would love to wrestle at WrestleMania! And who knows, if the time is ever right and the moment calls for it, it would be a dream come true for me.

Shark Tank's participatory. There's so many people on Twitter for this show, and they all feel like they're in the tank, making calls on this stuff.

My mom calls me an older soul because, growing up, she taught me stuff real early. Now I spend most of my time chasing wisdom, chasing understanding.

You have to be an athlete. A sense of timing is vital. So is dedication. Being a stuntman calls for qualities usually associated with being a dancer.

My own bandmembers wouldn't return my calls and I lost multiple tour managers, crew members. I can't tell you how many friends stopped talking to me.

If my client calls me and says, 'I'm going to a friend's premiere,' I'll say, 'Come over and let's do something cute.' And I won't bill them for that.

I had several near death experiences or very, you know, close calls, if you may, in Iraq. You know, there was an incident where I was nearly kidnapped.

In swimming, everyone calls me grandma, because I'm the oldest there. Then with my friends, I'm the youngest and I'm the baby. It's definitely bizarre.

A lot of writers that I know have told me that the first book you write, you write about your childhood, whether you want to or not. It calls you back.

Man, I have so many names that everybody calls me something different. Some people call me Drew, some people call me Mayer, some people call me Haircut.

You play a couple of shows, and these label guys come - and they leave halfway through a show. Then the phone calls just stop. And your heart is broken.

I do honestly believe that, in the 21st century, sport is the most significant cultural element in this imperfect world. It calls for serious attention.

The Holy Book calls upon Muslims to resist tyranny. Dictatorships in Pakistan, however long, have, therefore, always collapsed in the face of this spirit.

I can go to sleep when my head hits the pillow. When I get phone calls from my factory in the middle of the night, I can go right back to sleep on a dime.

And that's how I wrote to NICAP, but then later, just very soon after that, like three weeks later, we started getting phone calls from government agents.

I salute South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Sen. Lindsey Graham for their calls to remove the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the Statehouse.

We have warned and continue to warn against calls for the division of Iraq, which come up now and then, calling for sectarian rights or minority freedoms.

Our soul is cast into a body, where it finds number, time, dimension. Thereupon it reasons, and calls this nature necessity, and can believe nothing else.

What Tim does is, he calls me and sends me the script. And then he sends me a drawing, an illustration of his image of me as the character. It's so great.

My dad calls me 'Mac' a lot, from 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out' - Little Mac is the main character. I was obsessed. I can still beat Mike Tyson on 'Punch Out.'

The gratifying part of my journey is no one calls me a star child or a superstar's wife anymore. I think I have grown beyond that and have my own identity.

Politics is not a laboratory experiment where you can control everything. You have to take calls even when you feel that matters may spin out of your hand.

I have been receiving calls from all quarters since the release of 'Madras.' I need to thank audiences for believing in me and making this film successful.

I get very anti-social, depressed and irritable with people. I don't have time for them. I can't make phone calls and stuff. I just sit on my own for days.

Thank you... Apple, for adding a camera to the iPod Nano. Now it's just like the iPhone except it can't make calls. So basically, it's just like the iPhone.

Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as possible. Procrastinating just makes it harder; getting them done gives a big boost of relieved energy.

The calls aren't always going to go your way, and you can't complain about it. I tried to learn that as a young player, and you just got to play through it.

I think one of the great things is that when I got started, no one would return my calls, and now I get a lot of phone calls, which is good. I have options.

She belongs to a race of delightful women, who never do any harm, whom everybody calls good, and who are very severe on those who do not pretend to be good.

We've probably gotten 500 calls from people saying what the heck is going on with gas, and I gotta say I agree with you. What the heck is going on with gas?

Each moment calls for a different stylistic essence and a different sense of impact, and mastery of this balance is an art form - a very learnable art form.

It's horrible dating with Mama Mai! She is nosy. When I was a kid she would be the first one eavesdropping on my phone calls: 'Hello? Who you call for? Huh?'

It was a conscious decision on my part to take up fewer films. And if you're not seen that often on screen, nobody calls you to perform at an awards ceremony.

There is nothing in ANC policy which calls for attacks on civilians in supermarkets, schools, and cinemas unless these are regarded as military installations.

When someone calls you 'gay,' there's not much you can do about that because I am. Whereas, if someone calls you fat, there is something you can do about that.

I think it's rare for anyone that a really accomplished, amazing director calls you up and says, 'I want to make a movie around you, and I want it to be this.'

A friend hipped me to hypoglycemia, which an article I read calls 'a disease for a nation of sugar junkies.' Who knows how many people in this country have it?

I was born late - what my mother calls the last kick of a dying horse. There's three of us children, but I'm 13 or 14 years younger than my brother and sister.

The top salesperson in the organization probably missed more sales than 90% of the sales people on the team, but they also made more calls than the others made.

I began to get calls from constituents, 'Do you think you can ever get on transportation?' So when there was a vacancy created, I worked very hard to get there.

In Hollywood, one doesn't bag a project over phone calls. You have to work hard, find a manager, give screen tests, attend workshops and take up voice training.

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