I do hope President Trump's calls for bipartisanship are genuine, and I also hope he takes the actions needed to unify the country.

Every word we speak calls on 37 muscles and thousands of nerves. It's not surprising that sometimes these nerves and muscles fail us.

When the 'New York Times' revealed the warrantless surveillance of voice calls, in December 2005, the telephone companies got nervous.

People ask me if I ever see my father and I say yes, because he puts in the effort. He calls all the time to tell us he's proud of us.

I get calls, emails and get asked in the grocery store when I'm not looking that great... 'I love your hair. Where do you get it done?'

I've paid my dues. It wasn't overnight success. I went to tons of casting calls and auditions... But I've got to give luck some credit.

The cardiac calls require medical intervention. So an ambulance for a cardiac call requires a doctor, a ward boy and medical equipment.

I am a friend when I need to be a friend, a father when I need to be a father, a musician when music calls. I switch roles accordingly.

When I'm applying for a new passport or something, someone will call me Christopher. Other than that, no one ever calls me Christopher.

The best is he who calls men to the best. And those who heed the call are also blessed. But worthless who call not, heed not, but rest.

I resist when someone calls me a novelist: it implies some kind of inherent superiority of the novel. I'm not a novelist, I'm a writer.

Dana White hides behind a microphone and behind a TV camera and spouts off and calls people names because he doesn't like their opinion.

I encountered on a regular basis rude comments and sexual innuendo and cat calls and overt sexual propositions in professional settings.

Everyone believes that artificial or prerecorded calls - 'robocalls,' as they're known - are awful. They're intrusive. They're unwanted.

I live in reality, and I know at any moment I could stop getting the phone calls and nobody wants to hear me sing or tell jokes anymore.

Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I love to do. He calls it 'tap-dancing to work.'

I'm notorious for only using my mobile phone for outgoing calls: nobody knows my London number and I certainly don't do anything online.

Wherever I look, I see signs of the commandment to honor one's parents and nowhere of a commandment that calls for the respect of a child.

Step on the moist, pillowsoft earth, walking gingerly aside a weeping steam that calls your name, for it knows how to heal a wounded heart.

I don't have a relationship with Yoko. I've tried contacting her many times after John had died. She wouldn't return any of my phone calls.

You know I've never worked without a script before, but with Apatow, it's all improvisation. He calls out a premise, and you have to adapt.

I know how many days in which I have just answered e-mail, had three phone calls and a two hour lunch. Poof, gone. They are not infrequent.

If Harry Connick Jr. wants to call me and ask me to join his band, that would be fine with me. I'm happy, but if he calls, I would pick up.

When Trump goes after the media and calls it fake news, he should be impeached - and everyone should say this. But the media lives in fear.

I have no companion but Love, no beginning, no end, no dawn. The Soul calls from within me: 'You, ignorant of the way of Love, set Me free.'

Yesterday, the president met with a group he calls the coalition of the willing. Or, as the rest of the world calls them, Britain and Spain.

Donald calls me and asks me what I think. Very often I will answer him, but Donald Trump is his own adviser. He is his own campaign manager.

While I'm a big fan of science fiction, especially as rendered in expensive Hollywood blockbusters, it's the real universe that calls to me.

I don't want to be someone saying 'Hey, why don't you use my boy?' You can ask Mr. McMahon or anybody. Never once. Cody calls his own shots.

Obviously, my daughter's my priority, so if you want to have plans with me and then my daughter calls, then I'm going to have to go with her.

I would say 90 percent of my mail and phone calls are from people who want some kind of help or succor or commitment from me to do something.

My husband calls me a ginger every single day of my life, so that I'm completely used to it, and I've come to see it as a term of endearment.

Oddly enough, even though our show is structured around women, our target audience is women, I get more calls from men every night than women.

For my daughter I would suffer through a thousand divorces, a million uncomfortable phone calls, a trillion emotionally fraught text messages.

Scammers and spammers use spoofing to disguise their identity, to trick consumers into answering unwanted calls, and to hide from authorities.

Mother Angelica is proof that we are not limited by other's perceptions, and that God sometimes calls the most unlikely people to great things.

It doesn't make it any easier that people form opinions and make judgment calls and think I'm something that I'm not or do things that I don't.

I secretly went to auditions, to open calls. I was ashamed. Anytime I mentioned I wanted to be an actress, my friends were not that supportive.

The president overstepped his authority when he asked the NSA to eavesdrop on Americans' international phone calls without obtaining a warrant.

I have come to have the firm conviction that vanity is the basis of everything, and finally that what one calls conscience is only inner vanity.

Henry Miller wrote novels, but he calls his protagonist Henry, often Henry Miller, and his books are in this gray area between memoir and novel.

When Shonda Rhimes calls, you feel like you get called into the principal's office a little bit, and you think, 'Maybe I better take that call.'

My husband calls it winging it - the way I just took what the studios gave me, didn't do my homework and avoided roles that would risk my image.

To be honest, a lot of ride-alongs are not that great. There might be one or two calls on the radio - not a lot - depending on what time you go.

That which today calls itself science gives us more and more information, and indigestible glut of information, and less and less understanding.

Sundays in France have a different atmosphere to other days, with fewer phone calls, no postman, no delivery men and no one banging on the door.

All through Miami, the guys who grew up with me hitting at the place I hit, they all call me Flaco. Nobody calls me J.D. It's like, 'Hey, Flaco.'

We come to Selma to be renewed. We come to be inspired. We come to be reminded that we must do the work that justice and equality calls us to do.

I get a lot of calls from families and people who have served time and they say, 'Thank you, Sheriff. I hate the tents.' That's music to my ears.

If you're fixing a game, you're making calls up against star players to get that star player to the bench so that team is at a major disadvantage.

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