What really matters is what you do with what you have.

What really matters is what you do with what you have.

Feminism is cancer.

Don't miss your life.

Bollywood is a cancer.

Cancer is very chaotic.

I love the cancer spoon!

We are all precancerous.

Cancer is not for sissies.

My grandma died by cancer.

hate is cancer of the soul!

Be a tough-minded optimist.

It's a scary word, 'cancer.'

Cancer is everybody's cause.

Cancer does not discriminate.

Cancer don't respect nothing.

Cancer is a demonic pregnancy.

Cancer is an emotional disease.

Jealousy... is a mental cancer.

Cancer changes your whole life.

You beat Cancer by how you live.

Humanity is the cancer of nature.

Cancer is a word, not a sentence.

Can't is the cancer of happening.

There's nothing sexy about cancer.

What chance has cancer against me?

Cancer is just a horrible disease.

Cancer' is such a frightening word.

Cancer isn't going to slow me down.

There's a cancer on the presidency.

'Cancer' is such a frightening word.

Cure the symptoms, cure the disease.

The cancer of time is eating us away

Courage is not the absence of fear...

Cancer research is a growth industry.

I have preferred chloroform to cancer

I'm cancer-free right now. That's it.

Cancer is enough to get my attention.

I feel I lost my innocence to cancer.

Starbucks is spreading like a cancer.

Suspicion is the cancer of friendship.

You don't treat cancer - you fight it.

I had breast cancer. I caught it early.

Ignoring prostate cancer won't beat it.

Cancer is the growth of madness denied.

After cancer, I ain't scared of nothing.

Cancer is so much bigger than a TV show.

In ten years time I’ll be… (dead) sixty.

More men die of jealousy than of cancer.

Capitalism is a cancer in the biosphere.

It was Disney World fused with Cancerland.

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