I never play without my cape.

Cape Verde produces good people.

It's so easy to flourish a moment with a cape.

Rihanna can sell just as many tickets in Cape Town as she can in Detroit.

What, am I supposed to run around in a little red cape and save the world?

People are acting like Keith Thurman has a cape like Superman and can fly.

I once owned a home on an island off the coast of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

The Muslims in the Cape are associated with having a very good sense of humor.

If you like something, rock it. If you want to rock a cape every day, go for it.

The lesson was an Absa Cape Epic can go all directions: to the good and to the bad.

I think that Jersey Shore is awesome. I've gone to Cape May every summer of my life.

It's not like I ride a broom into interviews. I don't hang upside down with a cape on.

I have a daughter and two grand-daughters and a great grandson in Africa, in Cape Town.

My first memory in life is grilling my thumb to the griddle in our restaurant on Cape Cod.

I have a beautiful wooden Superman statue with a removable cape - I really love that piece.

Some nights, I wear my cape, and I go out on the pier. It is foggy... I look for... Riddler.

I love the idea of a super villain that doesn't wear a cape, that doesn't wear a super suit.

Cape Town is beautiful. It's an extraordinary beach town with mountain ranges on either side.

Winning the Absa Cape Epic was the base for the perfect season. It really spiced up the soup.

I would wear a full-length cape if I could get away with it - I do love a good swirl in a fog.

I once received a cape that was made from the little purple bags that Crown Royal Whisky comes in.

I grew up on Cape Cod. We didn't live right on the water, but I could walk to it and did every day.

I go for long walks in Newlands Forest in Cape Town, and I go to the Turkish baths on Sunday mornings.

The more you try to pin a word down, the more you realize that it has its own cape, sword and little hat.

We are here because we are determined to offer the people of the Western Cape choices which are long overdue.

I'm with expanding in my culture, from the Dominican Republic all the way to Cape Verde. Please believe that.

The modern era of Cape Cod baseball dawned in 1963 when the league became a showcase for the collegiate elite.

I am a very musical person. I love music, and I don't just love Cape Breton fiddling, although it's my favorite.

Cape Town is a weird town. There's a mountain, and the sea, and a little city tucked into the side of the mountain.

From Cape Cod to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts is home to some of the country's most sought-after summer refuges.

When I was a little kid, I loved imagining things. I'd go outside and put on a cape and just imagine I was somebody else.

In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who he is.

I used to do my Nelson Mandela voice to blag restaurant tables in Cape Town. It rarely worked. Now what a great city that is.

I cannot imagine being happy anywhere else in the world but in Cape Town - South Africa in general, but Cape Town in particular.

In high school, I was selected for NASA's Math & Science program. I'd hop on the yellow school bus and head up to Cape Canaveral.

I'm not a superman with a cape, I'm only a basketball player for the Celtics. But if I can make one child smile, I've done my job.

When you go to the jungle in South Africa, it's tropical versus the dry heat of Cape Town - it's hard to believe it's the same country.

I have always loved South Africa, where I shot 'Andaz' and 'No Entry.' Some of the biggest films of my career have been shot in Cape Town.

Going through puberty, that Cape Canaveral of the hormones, young girls are in love with the idea of being in love, trying it out for sighs.

The red 'Baywatch' swimsuit is iconic. When I had my first fitting I guess it felt a bit like Superman putting on his cape for the first time.

Me in a cape? I don't fancy that. Tight tights? Nah! I don't think that's right for me. I just respond more to true stories; that's my flavour.

I'm kind of long in the tooth to fly in in a cape now, so I'd have to be, like, the voice of reason or somebody. 'Don't do that, super-fellow!'

The way that I process and make writing work is I'm really telling true stories; I'm just putting them in a cape and putting an 'S' on its chest.

In real life, I am trying to save the Steve Irwin wildlife preserve. It's in Australia, up on Cape York, and it's in danger of being strip-mined.

I've done performances in movies that I was immensely proud of and the movies didn't take off like a rocket at Cape Canaveral, it didn't take off.

The politics of the Cape Town Metro, which allows an executive Mayoral committee to make secret decisions which affect you, behind closed doors, is wrong!

I know that my great-grandfather - George Rich - was born in Cape Town in 1866 and it set my journey off to go to Cape Town to discover and find out more.

Winning the Absa Cape Epic already was a wonderful surprise. The World Cup was, for sure, my main goal, but winning all of them was nothing I had planned on.

On the other hand, if there's an underlying core of poetry that I go to, I go to the sea. I've lived on the sea all my life. I live on the sea in Cape Breton.

I used to look so immature, like a young man without self-confidence. There was one particular light blue, shiny cape outfit I wore that still makes me cringe.

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