We capitalists? We want transparency.

We are turning all Bolivians into capitalists.

When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use.

Communists are great capitalists, so there is no threat anymore.

It is impossible for capitalists and laborers to have common interests.

Venture capitalists are like lemmings jumping on the software bandwagon.

Venture capitalists don't pay attention to you unless you have an app or a widget.

When you have a failed pitch, you meet many more venture capitalists than you really want to.

The most important question venture capitalists ask is what prevents your company from growing faster.

There is a fundamentalist belief by capitalists that capital will save the world, and it just isn't so.

There's this myopia among American venture capitalists to not go anywhere beyond Silicon Valley and New York.

In hindsight it may even seem inevitable that a socialist society will starve when it runs out of capitalists.

Most venture capitalists won't read a business plan unless the entrepreneur is introduced to them by a contact.

Machines were, it may be said, the weapon employed by the capitalists to quell the revolt of specialized labor.

I've had a lot of help... from Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, venture capitalists. They've helped me out a ton.

The guiding principle is not to manufacture the goods everyone needs, rather to earn profits for a few capitalists.

Progressives regard government as the white knight that protects the public from the greed of capitalists. If only.

Capitalists are no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is capable of lifting himself up by his own bootstraps.

Venture capitalists certainly create value for themselves, but they also singularly create value for the rest of the world.

For the anti-Semite, the problems of the world can invariably be ascribed to the Jews; for the Communist, to the capitalists.

The New Deal saved capitalism - saved it from the big-time capitalists - though many of the big-timers didn't see it that way.

American capitalists, enthralled by the doctrines of finance, have put their income statements in service of the balance sheet.

What breaks capitalism, all that will ever break capitalism, is capitalists. The faster they run the more strain on their heart.

In many cases, women are being harassed by people who are on their board or who are associated with one of their venture capitalists.

Unfortunately, a lot of Silicon Valley venture capitalists are disconnected from African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color.

Socialists tend to want to pay people more money to do less work, and capitalists tend to want to provide better products at better prices.

You give me electric chair. I no afraid of that chair! You're one of capitalists. You is crook man too. Put me in electric chair. I no care!

What made women's labour particularly attractive to the capitalists was not only its lower price but also the greater submissiveness of women.

When I started InMobi, I was on the road raising funds. I faced 20 rejections. But when I got the funds, they came from best venture capitalists.

The chance to interact with big shots is drawing scads of aspiring entrepreneurs to Quora, along with venture capitalists and other Valley players.

Be it terrorists or 'blinded by greed' capitalists or 'deaf and dumb and siloed' officials, special interests will always tyrannize the common good.

I want to kill the president because I no like the capitalists. I have the gun in my hand, I kill kings and presidents first and next all capitalists.

Many venture capitalists say they're looking for the next big idea. But they aren't, really; they're looking for something derivative, because derivative is safe.

Some of my best friends are Venture Capitalists, but let's face it, a hamster with Alzheimer's could make those kind of numbers. It's great work if you can get it.

The more activity around Chicago-based companies, and the more success that entrepreneurs have in Chicago, the better we as venture capitalists in Chicago will do.

Capitalists make money by exploiting labor and by externalizing the costs of the wastes produced by the productive process by imposing the wastes on the environment.

Venture capitalists Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital, Steve Jurvetson of DFJ, and Dave McClure of 500 Startups all left their firms following accusations of misconduct.

Before the GOP became the party of Trump's gangster capitalism, they weren't perfect capitalists, but they at least paid lip service to the power of markets and capitalism.

The environmentalists say capitalism is killing our oceans, air, land, and forests. Capitalists argue that they provide food, fuel, and building materials for a growing world.

The difference between the Chinese workers and foreign workers lies in the fact that the latter are oppressed only by their own capitalists and not by those of other countries.

If I tax them, in fact, I'm not taxing the capitalists, I am taxing the people who have saved, trusted. It was very controversial, those sorts of things. But finally, it worked out.

You have venture capitalists. We view them as experts who also help finance your company and give directions and also some pretty candid discussions about what you have to do better.

To dissociate politicians from capitalists is slightly disingenuous, to put it mildly. U.S. lawmakers are competitive and auction themselves to the highest bidder via the lobby system.

First of all, in terms of investment in Internet-related developments, venture capitalists - once burned - are now very cautious and are investing in areas that actually make business sense.

Soviet moviegoers gazed enviously on the jalopy that took the Joads from Oklahoma to California. The message Russians took from 'The Grapes of Wrath': even the poorest capitalists have cars!

Sadly, I have disappointed the surveillance capitalists myself by not yet downloading 'Pokemon Go.' But I'm addicted to my phone enough as it is, and I don't necessarily need that helping hand.

When only a minority consisting of capitalists can enjoy the good life, while the majority of workers must endure hardship, they will naturally not be able to live together in peace and harmony.

In this view, the role of the great majority of Americans is simply to buy the products produced, work happily for their wages, and leave all of the significant economic decisions to the capitalists.

Venture capitalists buy minority positions in young companies they think will grow quickly; buy-out investors buy most or all of companies they think can be turned around by fixing a few basic things.

Back in the late 1990s, venture capitalists got very excited about the Internet. A whole lot of money was poured into some companies that failed rather spectacularly, and a lot of people lost a lot of money.

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