'Carrie' - I love 'Carrie.'

All's well that carries on well

Sin carries in it its own misery.

She carries chaos like an overcoat.

Truth carries with it confrontation.

Throw caution to the wind and just do it.

Words and feathers the wind carries away.

Everyone carries around his own monsters.

My life carries its own meaning in itself.

Excess always carries its own retribution.

Can you really forgive if you can't forget?

Age carries with it a double load of guilt.

Excess always carries it's own retributions.

A squirrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit!

Evil report carries further than any applause.

American Idol allowed us to find Carrie Underwood.

I guess, as an Emanuel, I have a voice that carries.

I did an OK job in 'Carrie' but wanted to do better.

Every problem in your life carries a gift inside it.

The gospel is not weight, it is wings. It carries us.

Everyone carries around his own monsters.---Richard Pryor

Wisdom is like a goatskin bag; every man carries his own.

I'm the Terry Bradshaw of drag. Not Carrie Bradshaw. Terry!

My mentors are people like Cameron Crowe and Carrie Fisher.

A woman carries her clothes. But the shoe carries the woman.

Carrie Lam is not the leader elected by people of Hong Kong.

Beauty really has to do with the way a person carries it off

In satyagraha, a courted imprisonment carries its own praise.

I want happiness for my daughter - I want Carrie to be happy.

Once we harness ourselves to love, it carries us to eternity.

R2D2 has gotten more work since “Star Wars” than Carrie Fisher

Everyone flatters himself and carries a kingdom in his breast.

'Carrie Diaries' is very heartfelt and earnest in a lot of ways.

Your own voice is the voice that carries you through life the best.

I love Carrie Fisher, and it would be amazing to carry on her legacy.

It's September 21st, a day I love for the balance it carries with it.

Carrie Lam is a proxy leader.The final decision-maker is President Xi.

The truth always carries the ambiguity of the words used to express it.

Everyone carries with them at least one piece to someone else's puzzle.

I had rather ride on an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me.

I read 'Carrie' when I was younger and that's one of my favourite books.

I really liked Carrie a lot. That was one of Brian De Palma's best movies.

I'm a woman who carries around all these layers of fear and vulnerability.

Carrie is my child, and I love her with every ounce of strength I possess.

If two people have only one thought between them, something is very wrong.

The Carrie Mae Weems photograph 'Blue Black Boy,' I thought, was fantastic.

Everyone, deep down within, carries a small cemetery of those he has loved.

The act of language or the act of denying language carries its own heaviness.

For me a poem has to sing out of itself and the lilt of it carries the magic.

He carries well, to whom it waighes not. [He carries well, to whomit weighs not.]

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