War is a poor chisel to carve out tomorrow.

You can't carve up the world. It's not a pie.

Football can help carve a more diverse world.

I have to carve my own way. Build. It takes time.

It's very challenging to carve back market share.

We carve out risk-free lives where nothing happens.

I make sure I carve out time to be with my daughter.

I've been able to carve my way out with lyrics and melodies.

I'm here to carve out a strong career in the leading-man space.

Hardcover and paperback forever. Someone carve that into a tree.

I'm my own person, and am trying to carve out a career on my own.

I sort of got lucky in that I was able to carve a niche for myself.

You have to create your life. You have to carve it, like a sculpture.

For thrillers, it's especially difficult to carve out a good trailer.

I needed to carve out my own place and find out what I was going to do.

Friday night is our date night. We really carve out time for each other.

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.

I was determined to carve out a music of my own. I didn't want to copy anybody.

I am so thrilled to carve out a few minutes to write that I grab it whenever I can.

I just know that it's smart for my career to carve my own path and do my own thing.

It doesn't matter how tall you are. You have to carve out space and hold your ground.

But how carve way i' the life that lies before, If bent on groaning ever for the past?

I don't want a tombstone. You could carve on it 'She never actually wanted a tombstone.'

I feel like when things are really hectic it's important to carve out time for yourself.

Everyone has a little niche in rap, and I just wanted to carve a piece out of it for myself.

It is important for me to carve out time in my schedule to spend quality time with my family.

Since I loved underground music, I tried to carve a space for feminism within it. Those were my hopes.

It's a great challenge and a wonderful journey how to figure out how to be an artist and to carve my way.

After following the footsteps of the greats, each singer must carve out his own identity, else he will perish.

There is no privacy in our culture anymore, so I have to try and carve that out for myself, but I'm OK with it.

I feel very lucky that I've been able to carve out any niche at all in this business. It's so hard to get into.

Bollywood is a business more than an art industry. One has to play the game others play to carve your own path.

I carve stone. I've got hammers and chisels and I carve from sandstone. I just did a big mural of birds and trees.

In TV, you can carve out a beautiful little niche like 'Breaking Bad' did. Like 'The Wire' did. Like 'Homeland' did.

There are a lot of Washingtons that have played football. I could just blend in more and carve out my own name quietly.

I really do love the theater, and as you get deeper into your career, it gets harder to carve out the time to do theater.

I think it's a bigger risk following a part that plays up your looks than it is to try and carve out a career as an actor.

Women must learn to find self-worth within themselves, not through others. It is important to carve out a place just for you.

I want to carve out a serious period of time to focus on the next opera without any distractions. And to do that you need money.

We get older, and we forget that we have to carve a little time out to feel good in your body, in your head, and in your spirit.

I think there is a lot of space for people to love who they love, and a lot of space for actors to carve a niche for themselves.

When I carve out time to game, it's because I rationalize that I 'deserve it,' so I relish every minute of that 2-3 hour session.

It's really hard juggling, trying to carve out a time to have a family and be a mom and have a career, especially a creative career.

I do strive to find projects that are trying to carve out some new space. I enjoy projects that leap away from the crowd a little bit.

When I do outdoor scenes, I tend to find a quiet space where I can sit and carve a walking stick that can turn out to be interesting for me.

I work very hard so that I can be present all the time for what I do and then carve out little pockets of time as I desire for my personal life.

New roads carve up the countryside, dispelling peace, creating a penumbra of noise, pollution and ugliness. Their effects spread for many miles.

As a journalist, I interviewed people, and you begin to feel different rhythms in speech, and you can use those things to help carve out a character.

Storytelling is as old as speech. It existed before humans first began to carve shapes in stones and press their hands upon the rocky walls of caves.

Running a marathon was important to me, so I found time to train for it. Writing books is also important to me, so you know what? I carve out the time.

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