The friendships I made on 'L.A. Law,' with the cast and Steven Bochco and David Kelley were really wonderful.

The worst tragedy that could have befallen me was my success. I knew right away that I was through - cast out.

The real excitement and big deal for me started when I got cast in the first X-Men, which was sort of a fluke.

Anyone can watch 'The Worst Witch' - it's quite a versatile programme, even though most of the cast are female.

'Dancing With The Stars' is a little family. The cast, we're all together - we're a really friendly competition.

To others we are not ourselves but performers in their lives cast for a part we do not even know we are playing.

I was not paying attention during physics in high school; I was wondering if I was going to be cast in 'Pippin.'

I studied at Guildhall and did the acting course, but because I could sing a bit, I kept being cast in musicals.

I became a hero after V Shantaram cast me in 'Geet Gaya Pattharon Ne.' He paid me a monthly salary of 100 rupees!

Generally, the best recording is the original cast, because that's the way the piece grew: integrally, with them.

At first I was always cast as the girlfriend. It was a long time before I got to play characters who were people.

A cookery book should be there for inspiration. Recipes should be a guideline, and they shouldn't be cast in stone.

Know who you are, because that's how you will be cast at first. Then you can be Meryl Streep further down the road.

If coming events are said to cast their shadows before, past events cannot fall to leave their impress behind them.

Chance is always powerful. Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be fish.

I want to be strong enough to cope with the roles, but I don't want to be cast as the guy that takes his shirt off.

I'm never going to be cast as a 'Bond' girl. I mean, I could do it and I would love it. But I don't ooze sexuality.

'Barney Miller' was a lot of fun. I'm very fond of Abe Vigoda. Most - a lot of people on that cast - I really liked.

I know to win a championship, you're not going to do it alone. You're going to have to have a great supporting cast.

Luck affects everything. Let your hook always be cast; in the stream where you least expect it there will be a fish.

I grew up loving Broadway musicals. I'd put on my parents' cast albums and stand on the stool and sing in the mirror.

No, the type-casting didn't happen until after Star Trek. I don't think that you get typecast until you've been cast!

The death of dictator Kim Jong-Il has cast all eyes on North Korea, a country without literature or freedom or truth.

How often do we get to go to the biggest cinemas in the world and see diverse actors make up the majority of the cast?

Some things shoot in Chicago, but even those things that shoot there still cast their bigger roles in L.A. or New York.

The 'Kickin' It' set is so much fun, I find myself in a new adventure every week. I work with an amazing cast and crew.

The Australian cast of mind is not something I would want to be without - and I couldn't be without. It's not a choice.

I am proud to have played a small part in ensuring that no veteran's heroic service will be cast aside due to prejudice.

I'm a big fan of 'Orphan Black,' and to be one of the original cast members is something that will always be dear to me.

There are certain storylines I shouldn't have done, there are certain actors I shouldn't have cast - guest stars, I mean.

I cast my bread on the waters long ago. Now it's time for you to send it back to me - toasted and buttered on both sides.

I am very close with the whole cast; the Top 5 of us from 'Idol' are still super close, especially Cade and me. Wink wink.

When my father announced his campaign for president on Oct. 3, 1991, I had already cast my vote in favor of his candidacy.

I started casting. I cast music videos, but I kept getting fired from jobs because I was iconoclastic in my ways of casting.

Any film I see at two o'clock in afternoon with my mother seems to cast a strange spell that means we both come out sobbing.

Black Bolt is typically a stoic leader, part of a larger cast of Inhumans who get their hands dirty in ways that he doesn't.

I have played nasty people, but not everyone has seen that stuff. Before 'The Office,' I mainly got cast as little toe-rags.

The point of being a movie star is that people cast you in a role. Actors tie themselves in knots trying to get out of that.

I quit acting when I was 11 because I was cast as a bouncing ball in 'Alice in Wonderland,' and I felt slighted and wounded.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

It's difficult because usually when they cast things, the main characters are Caucasian in absolutely almost every situation.

Maybe I'm too masculine. Casting directors cast in their own, or an idealized image. Maybe I don't look like anybody's ideal.

Throughout my career, I was to be cast as a frontier girl, an aristocrat, an Arabian, a Eurasian, a Polynesian, and a Chinese.

Who am I to pass judgment? Judgment has been passed on me, but I adhere to, 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.'

At any period of an actor's life, it's fairly likely that they'll be cast in ways that are reminiscent. That's the way it goes.

Prior to 'The Karate Kid', I did commercials - Kool-Aid, Pepsi, milk - and I had always been cast as the all-American nice guy.

To make it hard, to make it difficult almost impossible for people to cast a vote is not in keeping with the democratic process.

I started acting when I was 10, doing musical theater. I was a brunette at that time. I was always cast in all the exotic parts.

But Nature cast me for the part she found me best fitted for, and I have had to play it, and must play it till the curtain falls.

Nowadays, there are sometimes more producers than there are people in the cast, because it takes that much money to put a show on.

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