Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch ...

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from ...

A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.

You can't catch me outside.

You've got to catch the ball.

You have to catch the breaks.

Can't ever catch enough balls.

I'm supposed to catch everything.

I like things that catch your ears.

I don't believe in the catch weight.

You must lose a fly to catch a trout.

I don't compare 'em, I just catch 'em.

You would never catch me in a miniskirt.

A keeper can almost never catch my shots.

You will never, ever catch me at the gym.

You won't catch me giving clear lectures.

I always have a cigar when I catch a fish.

Do not wave stick when trying to catch dog.

To catch the plastic, act like the plastic.

It's hard to chase a vibe and catch a vibe.

You wouldn't catch me dead in a fanny pack.

Your receivers have to catch it, not drop it.

Regulation needs to catch up with innovation.

New York is where you go to catch a big fish.

My job is just to get open and catch the ball.

If you want to catch more fish, use more hooks.

If the skies fall, one may hope to catch larks.

I was playing catch with the European audience.

You've just got to get open and catch the ball.

I have been known to catch sixty trout in one day.

When not shooting, I love to catch up on my sleep.

If I ever catch a ball, I'm going to the end zone.

You'd be surprised what you'd catch on my playlist.

I'm more off ball, catch and go, spot-ups, cutting.

People have a good time with all the catch phrases.

Ability will never catch up with the demand for it.

I figured out how to catch fugitives without a gun.

To catch a husband is an art; to hold him is a job.

Any given Sunday you'll catch me rapping and joking.

I don't think you can catch lightning in a bottle twice.

Gastronomy has to catch up to the evolution in technology.

I'm a really fast runner. No one can catch me - I'm quick.

You can catch me following good wrestlers wherever they are.

If you build a better mousetrap, you will catch better mice.

Whenever Elvin Jones comes to Seattle I try to go catch him.

Catch on fire and people will come for miles to see you burn.

Science is beginning to catch up with global health problems.

They throw the ball, I hit it. They hit the ball, I catch it.

If you cannot catch a bird of paradise, better take a wet hen.

The best time to catch tribal jargon is when it's not looking.

If one cannot catch a bird of paradise, better take a wet hen.

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