I'm just the same as anybody else now. To get TB again, I'd have to go out and catch a whole new case of it. Let's forget about it. I'm a ballplayer.

As a child, I used to spend nearly all my summer holidays with my aunt in Wales, and we used to catch mackerel in a boat and then cook them on board.

When it comes to the New Year, I make it a point to catch my mum and dad awake before the clock strikes 12. Then, I celebrate the night with friends.

People discover you at festivals. They come to see Coldplay or whoever, and then wander over and catch your act. Festivals make a lot of sense to me.

I catch the ball. You throw the ball, I catch it. You throw it close to me, I catch it. If you make me do something crazy to catch, I still catch it.

I love characters who are clever and smart, and you have to run to catch up with. I think there's something very appealing and rather heroic in that.

I'll just say that America - us included - has a long way to go to catch up with the animated work being done in a handful of countries, namely Japan.

Certainly, virtual reality headsets are behind in resolution, but it'll all catch up pretty quickly once there's a consumer market and there's demand.

I only halfway paid attention in high school Spanish class, and it may be too late now to catch up, no matter how many levels of Rosetta Stone I order.

If I'm connected to an idea, it just doesn't let me go. All I have to do is catch up to the image in my head by doing the practical steps to get there.

You start to think bigger when you see how quickly a TV show can catch on in a whole country. That confidence, and thinking big, opened a lot of doors.

If we rush too quickly to be scientific, to begin our experiment or catch our criminal as soon as possible, we risk never getting to the answer at all.

If you're going to scream and yell and pull a groin when calling a catch, you have to really make sure what you're seeing is actually what's happening.

So, when I say 'match the hatch', if the fish are taking the nymph, and you're actually producing a replica of a flying insect, you'll catch fresh air.

When I have a few weeks off, I catch up with my friends, but after a week or so, I just can't wait to get back in to the boxing club and start training.

I'm just out of touch with new music in general, and I only know about it if I'm hanging out with someone that knows about it, or I catch it on YouTube.

The public is usually slow to catch on to new things, and it's important that musicians stick to their guns and not look for that instant gratification.

I'm 51; I'm younger than Tony Blair. I don't have a dicky heart; I'm up like a broom handle in the morning. I don't drink or gamble - I'm still a catch.

We realize all the struggles we have and all the things that catch our attention and our hearts - if we're not ready for it, it will take control of us.

Picture it in your mind's nostril: you get in a cab in time to catch twin thugs named Vomit and Cologne assaulting a defenseless pine-tree air freshener.

My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you?

Beginning players are predictable and rarely bluff. They tend to focus only on their own hand and simply hope to catch the one card they need to improve.

One must put things in perspective - I've been given a circumstance with very little time to catch form and try and get an Olympic quota for the country.

The Arab nations must be on our side. And if we catch them financing, if they funnel money to IS, that's when sanctions and other actions have to kick in.

When I was a kid, one thing I counted on was rushing home from church to catch the start of the race. There's something really awesome about that routine.

Rahul is my greatest critic; I look up to him. At 40, I'm fit, and that's because of Rahul. If I'm neglecting my health, he's the one to catch hold of me.

In a market where funding is hard to come by, if you're scaled already, then you are in a brilliant position because nobody is going to catch up with you.

The numbers of terrorists that we have caught coming - we actually don't catch them coming across the border. We usually catch them in some other context.

I'm just trying to set my game up to that level of anytime the ball comes my way, I make a play, making people miss and getting the yards after the catch.

That's one of the great things about DVD: In addition to reaching people who didn't catch the movie in theaters, you get to have this interaction of sorts.

I try to catch flies in cups and put them outside. After I wrote 'The Underland Chronicles'... well, once you start naming cockroaches, you lose your edge.

My strategy is just to always compete. Even if they catch 10 balls on me, I make sure that they have to fight for every one of those. That's worked for me.

Rapping was something I always wanted to do, so after school, my friends and I would catch the bus to my house and just sit there writing songs, every day.

I have to shoot without any breaks. I yell at Herzog and hit him. I have to fight for every sequence. I wish Herzog would catch the plague, more than ever.

The key is to hit the ball first, then the sand. Even if you catch it a bit thin, you'll still get plenty of run. Hitting it fat is what you want to avoid.

Life forms illogical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?

Egypt needs to catch up with the rest of the world. We need to be free, democratic, and - society where people have the right to live in freedom and dignity.

I watch a movie or a T.V. show or whatever; if it's good, I like to watch it more than once, and it's always fun to catch something you didn't see initially.

Man, I have had so much plastic surgery, I don't even recognize myself, sometimes. If I catch a glimpse in a window or something, I think it is someone else.

Sometimes my backswing gets long, and I get in bad positions. The club also can get behind me coming down, so I have to flip my hands to catch up to my body.

The catch in the industry is that if you want to get a picture made for little money, you have to get a big star. But the two are usually mutually exclusive.

When you sit down around the table, it's a great time to catch up and share and talk about the day, and I think that can keep families connected and together.

I love to take risks, I love to travel, and I'm very outdoor-sy, so any girl who can pick up a football and throw a spiral will definitely catch my attention.

I don't like Heather Graham. She did an interview and said, 'I didn't want to kiss Corey; I didn't want to catch his mononucleosis. He had a kissing disease.'

I'm definitely not going back to Italy willingly. They'll have to catch me and pull me back kicking and screaming into a prison that I don't deserve to be in.

Any injury is tough, and it is a little bit tougher when it is the hand that you have to catch with, but it is football man. I wouldn't have it any other way.

If I catch one of my fans saying something improper, a gay slur or any derogatory term, I instantly tweet directly at them and say, 'This isn't how we do it.'

The glory of the big catch is applied more at wide receiver, and tight end would be an even match at my size. It's such a huge advantage being on the outside.

I could jump, I was quick, I could catch and all those types of things, but when it came to just flat out speed, that's something I had to work really hard at.

Unfortunately, I'm not 185 and 6-3 and can run and catch fade routes all game. I do the dirty work. I'm all good. I'm thankful for it. Somebody's got to do it.

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