I think baseball - the baseball genre - is this mitt, to use a double pun there, to catch a whole bunch of themes.

The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.

Well, anytime I make a movie, I like to load it up with more things than you could ever catch on the first viewing.

Man is flying too fast for a world that is round. Soon he will catch up with himself in a great rear end collision.

I remember trying to stay up late and catch as much 'Beavis and Butt-Head' as I could, and then 'King of the Hill.'

To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.

Eagles rarely fail to catch their prey. They usually kill it quickly by breaking its neck with their powerful claws.

I try to stay away from too many reality shows. I catch the 'Housewives,' but they tend to give me a little anxiety.

Time is my enemy. Time will catch up with me vocally. And I dread that. I dread to think about life without singing.

The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.

Sometimes when, you know, God tries to correct you in private and if you don't catch it he'll correct you in public.

You cannot catch a child's spirit by running after it; you must stand still and for love it will soon itself return.

Every five years, there is a shift in cinema space, but we are slow to catch that. Young people understand that shift.

I wouldn't describe myself as lacking in confidence, but I would just say that - the ghosts you chase you never catch.

I'm really into my photography and am trying to catch up with digital generation - I was used to the old 35mm cameras.

I never make the same mistake twice. If you catch me slipping one time, good for you, but it ain't gonna happen again.

Once the stories end up getting farfetched and ridiculous, I think that's where superhero fatigue will really catch on.

Any holiday my group of friends and I managed to get, we would catch the early morning train to Lucknow to watch films.

That's match play. You've got to get lucky. You've got to try to catch somebody on a down day when you have a down day.

When I train for a fight, you roll around, you catch someone in a move, you let them go. You just let go and keep going.

After being let go from CBS and looking for a year for work, I will never catch myself complaining about being too busy.

When I'm traveling the world, I don't ever look anymore at the geography - just enough to catch galleries and paintings.

Occasionally, in the afternoons, I catch a movie, watch football, go to Sunday brunch, or visit with family and friends.

If you become more of a witness to the way you're engaging in life, you can catch yourself really screwing up some days!

I'm aware that if the ball is thrown in my direction, I'm expected to catch it because the media is going to be on my back.

We who were born were not witnesses to our birth: like death, it is something we are forever after trying to catch sight of.

I honestly don't diet or work out regularly. I'm just always running around - you'll never catch me having a day on the sofa.

Normally when I have students over, we sit in the house and look at the fields to try to catch a glimpse of a bobcat hunting.

A lot of people will comment, 'All the high flying will catch up to you.' I think any form of wrestling will catch up to you.

I guess I'm just good at playing repressed individuals. I'm lucky because those are often the roles that catch people's eyes.

Buying a home wouldn't make much sense if house prices were likely to decline further; no one wants to catch a falling knife.

Education has always produced an incredible amount of data; that's always been obvious to me. But technology had to catch up.

I quite like to, y'know, chill and catch a vibe where you can actually talk, as opposed to standing on the floor in the club.

Mike Judge usually receives underwhelming acclaim for his movies when they come out; it takes a while for people to catch up.

If you slow it down, eat in courses, your body, mind, stomach will catch up with this full feeling and you won't eat as much.

Oh, yeah - I could see myself as a catch and shooter, come off curls and shooting. I really feel good about shooting the ball.

Basketball is like war in that offensive weapons are developed first, and it always takes a while for the defense to catch up.

Like, I played baseball with all boys. They didn't want to play catch with me. I mean, it's the story of everything I've done.

I overuse words. My kids catch me saying stuff. They're like, 'Hey, you say that all the time.' 'Boom' is one of those things.

You never know in TV - sometimes you're on at the wrong time at the wrong place. Sometimes you don't get a chance to catch on.

My life has changed for the better. It's just amazing. I have to catch myself sometimes. It's like a dream. It's a great thing.

Catch me on a good day, I think half of my books aren't too bad. Catch me on a bad day, I think I've never written a good line.

If the weather's nice, I like to be outside exercising, but when it's colder, I'm a real homebody and I catch up on my reading.

Often during rehearsals, I catch myself thinking, 'God, this is hard. Why am I always choosing such difficult plays to put on?'

My boyfriend's a real chef, so I steer clear of him when I'm in the kitchen - I wouldn't like him to catch me chopping an onion.

Don't let the ball hit you. Catch it or get out of the way. And if you get out of the way, that's when you have to stop playing.

I'm just chilled out, you'll always catch me in a mad tracksuit. Normally a black tracksuit, I'm not really an out there person.

It wasn't a typical 'Let's go play catch in the backyard' sort of father-son relationship. We always went to job sites with him.

Some coaches and quarterbacks over-analyze things at times. Sometimes it can be pitch and catch, let the play-makers make plays.

I'll watch CNN in the mornings to catch up on what's going on. On the weekends, I get the Sunday edition of 'The New York Times.'

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