Does Catherine O'Hara deserve an Emmy? Absolutely.

I like classy women: Virna Lisi, Catherine Deneuve.

Female television viewers paid attention to Catherine Gale.

Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara are two of my favorite actors.

Catherine Keener is everyone's dream sister slash mom slash aunt.

I'm very close with Bob and his lovely, fabulous wife Catherine, too.

Catherine Keener really gets me. She and I have such a shorthand together.

Very few ideas are better than Catherine O'Hara's ideas when it comes to acting.

Russian Communism is the illegitimate child of Karl Marx and Catherine the Great.

Catherine Zeta-Jones started out like me. Her big break in Hollywood was in 'Zorro.'

It's always been, whether at school or now, that I am Pippa and Catherine's little brother.

I have been intrigued by Catherine de Medici and the legends surrounding her for a long time.

I love 'Chicago,' I love the musical and the movie and I thought Catherine Zeta-Jones was amazing.

It was really nice working with Richard Gere, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Queen Latifah, Renee Zellweger.

In Miss Catherine Middleton we have the faintest, intoxicating glimmer of a New Age Cinderella story.

In 1960, I went to St. Catherine's College, Oxford, and received the B.A. degree in Chemistry in 1964.

I don't think I had a Catherine Bach poster, but I know a lot of my friends desecrated those, big time.

I think I can be relatively attractive when I dress up, but I'm not Julia Roberts or Catherine Zeta Jones.

I want to be a blonde vampire. Catherine Deneuve was a blonde vampire, and she was my favourite vampire ever.

Catherine O'Hara's one of the most amazing, wonderful actresses, but she's an amazing improviser. She really is.

I made sure no butt cheek hung out. You know, the original Daisy, Catherine Bach's shorts were shorter than mine.

Contrary to common belief, Christian fiction did not begin with Catherine Marshall, Janette Oke, or Frank Peretti.

'Happy Valley' is an extraordinary piece and it was not necessarily about Catherine but her part in the narrative.

I've worked with a lot of female directors over the course of my career: Martha Coolidge, Catherine Hardwicke, Jodie Foster.

I'm just very keen to have a family and both Catherine and I, you know, are looking forward to having a family in the future.

Catherine Tate was a proven comedy actress from a comedy background with great taste. I knew her work, and was an incredible fan.

I don't look like Catherine Zeta-Jones, so I don't think Hollywood would be that interested in me, to be honest. I just want nice work.

All of my friends at drama school were still sat on the floor doing voice exercises and I was doing scenes with David Tennant and Catherine Tate.

It's very cool to be able to say that my first real film was 'Footloose' and my second film I got to star alongside Tom Cruise and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Knowing who the actors were as you were designing them helped, with Catherine's beauty and Renee's frailty, they directed me visually just by who they were.

One of the books I remember reading when I was young and always thought would be a great role to play is Catherine in 'Wuthering Heights.' I like the classics.

Before the Great Chicago Fire, no one took notice of Patrick and Catherine O'Leary, two Irish immigrants who lived with their five children on the city's West Side.

The first movie was mostly about George and Julia. This one is mostly about me and Catherine and our love story and our whole history. So it's a very different movie.

Here I am sitting in the back of a cab with Catherine Zeta-Jones who is telling me Michael Douglas has fond memories of me - it just makes me feel good as a human being.

With popular rulers, the wife can become the guardian of their greatness: Peter the Great was succeeded by his wife, Catherine I. Sometimes the wives are an improvement.

Most Americans don't even know that Minnie Driver is English or that Catherine Zeta Jones is Welsh, but people are reminded every time 'ER' is shown that I'm the British Dr. Corday.

2009 was crazy enough! I can't believe I worked with Jeremy Irons, Joan Allen, Marsha Mason, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angela Lansbury, Jack O'Brien and Trevor Nunn in the same 12 months.

I'm not a businessman. I could pack it in, but I like work. I don't want to sound like Catherine Cookson, but I've worked since I was eight, with a paper round and in a fruit and veg shop.

My sisters were very successful and confident. It was, 'Oh, you are Pippa's brother! Are you Catherine's brother?' And so I was automatically put into the top sports teams and academic sets.

I am as independent as I want to be, same as Catherine and Harry. We've all grown up differently to other generations and I very much feel if that I can do it myself, I want to do it myself.

It even sounds stupid to hear myself say the first costume designer I worked with was Catherine Martin, and she won an Oscar for it, but that was just my very lucky draw of roll of the dice.

I loved Catherine Deneuve, Sophia Loren, and Ursula Andress. They had an incredible strength but fragility at the same time, especially Catherine Deneuve, who had an aloofness that impressed me.

My off-the-field heroes, the people who gave me the values to live by and who inspired me with their hard work and unselfish dedication to their family, were my mom, Catherine, and my dad, William.

Someone I've always admired is Catherine O'Hara... I think she's one of the best actresses in the country, not only comedy. I just think she's just a step aside from everybody, she's just wonderful.

I wanted very much to do Traffic and at one point it looked like I was going to work on it. And then, of course, Catherine Zeta-Jones had her relationship with Michael Douglas and it suddenly didn't happen.

Probably every book I read influenced me in some small way. Authors like Jan Westcott, Kathleen Winsor, Catherine Cookson, Georgette Heyer, and even Barbara Cartland taught me to write character-driven stories.

It went way beyond just sex with Catherine. It was more like recognizing a time of shared destiny of our souls. We were both born to climb, and we each glimpsed the possibility of the perfect partner in the other.

In 1736, Bakhchisaray had been burned to the ground by the Russians, and when Catherine II's army completed the conquest of the peninsula in 1783, the last khan, Sahin Giray, took refuge in Turkey, where he was eventually executed.

To an Ohio boy, it represented world-weary Gallic shrugs and Gauloises cigarettes, existentialist thinkers in berets and Catherine Deneuve in nothing at all - French was the language of intellectual power and effortless sex appeal.

I have a background in theater. At the time I read 'The Loved Ones' script, I was playing Catherine the Great of Russia onstage. Straight after that, I played Stella in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' and Isabella in 'Measure for Measure.'

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