The central role in the fight against terrorism is with national authorities.

And the most unusual and surrealistic place in New York City is Central Park.

Tap is still the central driving force of my life. I think and talk in dance.

So the search for a father in Central Station is also a search for a country.

There's some central relationship in every movie, and that's what stories are.

In some sense, Comedy Central has made their audience into comedy connoisseurs.

For the poor, learning to manage money well is central to improving their lives.

You can get the true essence of New Yorkers by just hanging out in Central Park.

In Congress, I represent South Central Kansas, home to McConnell Air Force Base.

In 1969, I was playing guitar in several rock bands that toured central Florida.

I'm the boogeyman used to scare South Central kids when they tell ghost stories.

But my problem was that I did an hour for Comedy Central and nobody seemed to care.

For most of my adult life, I drove through Central Park every morning going to work.

China is a vast, disparate country; there is no alternative to strong central power.

I'm honoured to have been selected to be the Labour candidate for Manchester Central.

It has always been, and still is, my intention to build a playground in Central Park.

To be able to have the space to sit down and write has always been my central policy.

Loneliness is and always has been the central and inevitable experience of every man.

I don't think central banks are going to give up fiat currency anytime in my lifetime.

I'm grateful to the state and central government for all their support for my academy.

Every central banker in the world pays attention to credit growth, but not in the U.S.

I've never yet managed to write a novel which didn't have an Indian central character.

The central bank needs to be able to make policy without short term political concerns.

I'd quite like to film in Central Park. I think we have asked, but we're not allowed to.

The central question is simply put: What did the president know and when did he know it?

I suppose that is my central obsession. What we owe to society, what we owe to ourselves.

We saw hundreds of programs to redevelop the central city, the neighborhoods, in the past.

I seem to enjoy telling stories with a central absence, with a lacuna tunnelled into them.

Doubt, it seems to me, is the central condition of a human being in the twentieth century.

Our central theme is, How good you can get? How hard can I go to see how good you can get?

The central issue of our time - of all times - is the size, power and scope of government.

If information and knowledge are central to democracy, they are conditions for development.

It's important to make clear to all the schools at Harvard the central role of the library.

I love Central Park. I spend a lot of time in there. I try and get in there whenever I can.

Grand Central really didn't want me doing anything under my own name but the 'Kitty' novels.

I saw no reason why other nations should tell Central Americans how to solve their problems.

That's what I think regions are about, making central government more accountable and fairer.

The key to truly rebuilding our central city on a vital and sustainable foundation is people.

We made a decision that monetary policy will be made by an independent European Central Bank.

In Amsterdam, the river and canals have been central to city life for the last four centuries.

In my opinion, all relationships between people have some sort of violence, and it is central.

Jobs are central to the American dream - and President Obama has focused on jobs from day one.

The proper balance between individual liberty and central authority is a very ancient problem.

I am especially proud of taking on issues most central to the health of our American democracy.

Punjab is central to our business strategy, and we are an active partner in the state's growth.

Our message has always transcended borders and cultures and is central to who we are as a brand.

No central planning, no autocratic rule and no military regime can produce what free man can do.

Environmentalism opposes reckless innovation and makes conservation the central order of business.

And how the government communicates about homeland security is central to how the public responds.

By the time I started writing plays, Broadway was never an expectation, so it's never been central.

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