Central to the effective functioning of early capitalism was the fundamental principle of trusting and being trusted.

I believe that being in a position, as a central bank, to influence economic growth does not mean losing independence.

MySpace is just spam central. I mean, every day I just get mail inviting me to gigs that are nowhere near Los Angeles!

There is an urgent need for the Central government to take the lead in ensuring health and nutrition service delivery.

Most of the policies that support robust economic growth in the long run are outside the province of the central bank.

Audacity is central to everything I do. A lot of times I think my work is about just seeing if I can get away with it.

The central focus of what we are doing at the Fed is to keep inflation from accelerating - and preferably decelerating.

The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.

As a practicing neurologist, I place central importance in applying current science to the notion of disease prevention.

I'm so central to YouTube now, and that puts me in the spotlight and raises a lot of questions like, 'Why is he so big?'

As an adolescent I wrote comic books, because I read lots of them, and fantasy novels set in Malaysia and Central Africa.

When I am walking in Central Park, I recognize the Italians. Because an Italian, even when he jogs, he's dressed perfect.

For me, it is one of the 'signs of the times' that the idea of God's mercy is becoming increasingly central and dominant.

Museums are custodians of epiphanies, and these epiphanies enter the central nervous system and deep recesses of the mind.

There's no excuse for the macro corruption, but Afghanistan was always an informal society with a weak central government.

I may be a lifelong 'downtowner,' but Central Park really is the most amazing and the most beautiful part of New York City.

I grew up in D.C. but always had a love affair with New York. I did 'Central Park West,' 'Sex and the City,' 'Law & Order.'

Go for a walk through Central Park and stop at the Met. It's the best way to get a feel for what makes New York so special.

The live oak can grow sturdily on the hottest hills of central California, contrasting dark green against the golden grass.

There's a wide range today of documentaries on politics. The central mass of it is made by networks, and nothing's changed.

Diplomats willing to sit for an interview usually prefer the terra firma of CNN over the whoopee cushion of Comedy Central.

I'd be quite happy if cars were banned from central London. Why are we not using little tuk-tuks rather than big black cabs?

My family history, like that of many Polish, German and Jewish families from Central Europe in the 20th century, is complex.

There are a lot of people from my Central Arkansas days that I owe a lot of thanks to for how they helped me over the years.

Obama believes in a big central government, where the federal government controls everything in our lives. That's socialism.

When I had my dogs, I used to spend a lot of time in Central Park, which is a great place to be alone among a lot of people.

I like the Alice in Wonderland sculpture in Central Park. I love how it's been rained on forever and looks worn down by time.

Maturity transformation is a central part of the economic function of banks and many other types of financial intermediaries.

I didn't eat at many restaurants when I was younger. There wasn't much in South Central anyways, except for fast food joints.

My day typically starts with an early-morning walk through Central Park. It's a nice moment of calm before my routine starts.

The government, whether state or central, is elected. That means we have a responsibility to elect the right kind of leaders.

I love the Park. I like to walk on the East River, too, up at Gracie Square, but Central Park is my favorite part of the city.

When my first novel was published, I went in great excitement round bookshops in central London to see if they had stocked it.

GMOs play a central role in meeting the challenge of providing affordable and nutritious food to consumers all over the world.

A digital currency issued by a central bank would be a global target for cyber attacks, cyber counterfeiting, and cyber theft.

There's a lot of mystery just inherent in the story of 'Descender.' There's sort of a central mystery that runs throughout it.

Humility is of central importance; I think it's an underappreciated virtue in the contemporary discussion of law and politics.

Human beings yield in many situations, even important and spiritual and central ones, as long as it prolongs one's well-being.

I live in a flat in central London. I do like it there; there's always stuff going on. But I do crave a bit of peace and quiet.

Central Philippines has the competitive edge in tourism in its natural wonders and the extraordinary hospitality of its people.

To achieve important things, we have to sacrifice what's important to us. That's an idea that's very central to Indian thinking.

The historic dearth of labor was perhaps the central feature of the American economy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

I've often been accused of making anthropology into literature, but anthropology is also field research. Writing is central to it.

Pachinko, like all gambling, is rigged. The house always wins. It's a central metaphor of life. It's rigged, but you keep playing.

If I am ever forced to choose between my identity as a Tamilian and an award from the central government, I will choose the former.

It's the ultimate pinnacle of stand-up to have an hour on HBO, but way more people see Comedy Central, and they've been good to me.

My faith is central to everything I do. My faith position is a Good Samaritan position of trying to watch out for the other person.

The benefit of appointing a hawkish central banker is the increased inflation-fighting credibility that such an appointment brings.

The physics of water is central to cooking, because food is mostly water. All steak that you cook is actually boiled on the inside.

My parents were of the generation who thought they were the children of a free Czechoslovakia, the only democracy in central Europe.

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