When I get to a certain level, I'll start going by Daystar.

I like to lead by people seeing me playing at certain level.

I voluntarily inflicted a certain level of insanity on myself.

As long as I can play at a certain level, that's what I'll do.

Once I get to a certain level, I don't want to rap all my life.

At a certain point, you can't tax people beyond a certain level.

It goes without saying that it's hard to attain a certain level of success.

Ballack had a certain level of aggression in his game, and a strong mentality.

Stand-up is hard. Or to keep it at a certain level is hard: I have no writers but me.

It takes a certain level of maturity to get hit and get knocked down and get back up.

If you're going to establish a certain level of unreality than you have to deal with it.

As a fighter I hold a certain level of pride and can only deal so much with the politics.

I love it when you have to perform at a certain level or else. That's when I'm at my best.

It's easy to reach a certain level with chess, but it's very hard to reach the next level.

Strictly speaking, every citizen above a certain level of income is guilty of some offense.

When you see yourself as the center of things, it deprives you of a certain level of empathy.

All art at a certain level is entertainment. We go to a tragedy by Sophocles to be entertained.

I think I've earned a certain level of respect, based on my accomplishments and my consistency.

Blurryface is this character that I came up with that represents a certain level of insecurity.

Film actors reach a certain level, but they don't get beyond it unless they work in the theater.

I consider myself a persuasive person. With the ability to persuade comes a certain level of power.

Once you achieve a certain level of success or fame, it becomes really difficult to go against type.

When you arrive at a certain level it's very easy to say yes: that is the moment to learn to say no.

Environmental concern is a phenomena that tends to rise in a nation after a certain level of wealth.

I've never met an artist who was at a certain level of spirituality offstage and then lowered it onstage.

My fans like a certain quality and a certain level of music. Once I give it to them, they seem pretty happy.

Exploitation is a harsh word, I know that, but on a certain level, to me that is the central Hollywood story.

I think it's very important for hip-hop, when an artist reaches a certain level, to ascend to executive work.

It takes a certain level of aspiration before one can take advantage of opportunities that are clearly offered.

In the Champions League you need a certain level of perseverance, strength, dedication to scoring over 90 minutes.

When you're home-schooled, you have to have a certain level of work ethic. Otherwise, you don't get anything done.

There's a certain level of pageantry with 'Idol,' and in order to work the show, you kind of have to feed into it.

There are a lot of folks at Fox News who bring a certain level of sophistication to their understanding of politics.

One can truly enjoy his or her life only while experiencing it, and it is inevitably related to a certain level of risk.

If there's a new HBO series, you know there's going to be a certain level of storytelling mastery - that you can trust it.

I'm not particularly good at running things when once they get to a certain level. Once it gets routine, get me out of the way.

When you have a country that's been accustomed to government spending at a certain level, it is really hard to ratchet it back.

It's probably conventional wisdom now that you bring openness of markets only after the market has developed to a certain level.

Success for me is being comfortable, and not in terms of a certain level of financial status, but that comfort comes from within.

We want to take ourselves out of our comfort zones; when you're in your comfort zone for so long, you only play to a certain level.

When you reach a certain level, you live in a bubble when all you think, dream and breathe is becoming the best athlete in the world.

I was at one time a football wife, and there is a certain level of bonding that happens between women who are the wives of football players.

You know that if you come to WWE and want to maintain a certain level of success, you're going to be busy and gone a lot. It's part of the deal.

Most of us commit to action only if we feel a certain level of motivation. And we feel motivation only when we feel enough emotional inspiration.

It was really weird to have a hit. Of course, we had a certain level of fame in the Pixies, but nothing I had ever done had been mall-kid friendly.

For me, there is always a certain level of recklessness that, I think, gives you a certain foundation, that makes you more interesting as a person.

Many Czech people are very talented. They can do many things, but when they get to a certain level, they are satisfied. I am not like that, thank God.

To be a Manchester United player, it requires a certain level of performance, mentality, and you have got to be proud to be a Manchester United player.

I've been a guy who's never really been satisfied. Work hard, try to figure out ways to improve, try to figure out ways to sustain a certain level of play.

I have brought a PS2 on set with me before. But games can be really addicting, and that's dangerous. So I tend to keep it fairly limited on a certain level.

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