I'm bored, I'm the chairman of the board.

I'm bored, I'm the chairman of the board.

Chairmen Meow deserves me every effort.

That's true. Chairman Meow deserves my every effort.

I'm chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

I was Chairman Mao's dog. What he said to bite, I bit.

Alan Greenspan is the worst Chairman of the Fed in history.

Unless the chairman decides to sack me, I won't be quitting.

I was Chairman Mao's dog. I bit whomever he asked me to bite.

There's no other job in public life that is like chairman of the Fed.

I've just been fired over the phone by Yahoo's chairman of the board.

Be as polite to the custodian as you are to the chairman of the board.

I am not Mr. Chairman. I am His Excellency, the President of Palestine.

I am chairman of the Africa subcommittee in the House of Representatives.

And, as a matter of fact, I am the chairman of the Amadou Diallo Foundation.

I agree with what the Chairman Greenspan said whatever it is that he did say.

If a chairman sacks the manager he initially appointed, he should go as well.

From 1966 to 1970 I served as Chairman of the New Haven City Plan Commission.

Even though I am Chairman of Dole Food Company, I do most of my own grocery shopping.

I am the daughter of the Chairman of the Board and thus, was raised with great music.

The job at Everton was so good. I worked for a great chairman, great people at the club.

Since I became chairman, I've tried to turn EFF into civil liberties and responsibilities.

You know, my role as Vice Chairman is a lot less tiring than playing matches every three days.

My teaching began in 1936 at Iowa State College where T. W. Schultz was the department chairman.

Mr. Chairman, obviously a $60 million cut in the National Endowment for the Arts would be a disaster.

In my life mission is everything.. Even if i was a municipal chairman, I would have worked as hard as a CM

It was nothing personal: if it had been, I would have left him on so he could have suffered like everyone else.

I'm vice chairman of the American Wild Horse Protection Association and honorary chairman of the Wildlife Federation.

First, I have the privilege of being Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. It is not an oxymoron I assure you.

I was Al Gore's campaign chairman in 2000, when he won a half-million more votes than George W. Bush but lost the presidency.

Well, the chairman of Federal Reserve just made his move to rescue Barack Obama. We're gonna have QE3. We're gonna print some more money.

I became chairman of the inmates committee. Got into a lot of trouble. Was accused of fomenting a riot. Was accused of plotting to kill the warden.

I soon discovered, after I became chairman of the NEH, that, for a number of academics, the truth was not merely irrelevant - it no longer existed.

I'm trying to figure out, Chairman of what Board? People come up to me and seriously say: 'Well, what are you Chairman of?' And I can't answer them.

Life looked bleak when I became chairman of the group at the age of 29. But I survived, as the Lord must have carried me when I needed Him the most.

I served as the chairman of the India-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group for three years, during which I also had the pleasure of visiting Israel.

Sometimes it looks like the board and the chairman are the worst enemy of the manager and the coaching staff, the football versus the financial side.

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.

Ken Lay, the disgraced former chairman of Enron, found a way to escape his legal problems: He died after being convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges.

Double-digit inflation is a terrible thing - and it got up to 14 or 15 percent on a monthly basis for a while, shortly after I became chairman of the Fed.

One word from Chairman Mao is worth ten thousand from others. His every statement is truth. We must carry out those we that understand as well as those we don't.

Get inside information from the president and you will probably lose half your money. If you get it from the chairman of the board, you will lose all of your money.

By the time I became chairman and there was more of a feeling of urgency, there was a willingness to accept more forceful measures to try to deal with the inflation.

And we invested three hundred thousand dollars, became the lead investor and I became Chairman of the Board of Scientific Data Systems, as I was at Intel for a while.

As chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee - the chief tax-writing body in Congress - I understand that true comprehensive tax reform is tremendously difficult.

I know as a manager you have to abide by the chairman's decisions. But his decisions were this team, that team, this player, that player. The chairman is a control freak.

I'm the Chairman Emeritus, and according to my contract I am supposed to devote 10% of my time to working for Marvel... and the rest of my time, I can do anything that I wish.

During my 8 years as chairman, I had the privilege to peer into the future to see dynamic citizen astronauts returning to and from the heavens which we can expect in the future.

I remember saying to the chairman after serving the first year, 'Why are we doing this? Why don't the Hawaiians have control?' 'Well, we have no mechanism to do it,' I was told.

My girlfriend's dad runs the Prostate Centre on Wimpole St. in London, and he's chairman of Prostate U.K., which I think is the second-largest prostate cancer charity in Britain.

Bono is chairman and founding member of Over-Achievers Anonymous. He has an irrepressible drive to be great. He wants to achieve it all, which actually makes him very vulnerable.

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