We will win championships.

I want to win championships.

Winning isn't always championships.

I've run the U.S.A. Ultra Championships.

What drives me is winning championships.

I just love playing in major championships.

It's tough to win championships no matter what.

You're measured by championships no matter what.

I fancy our chances at the European Championships.

The Celtics don't celebrate anything but championships.

You can't win championships without playing great defense.

You don't win championships by having the cheapest budget.

That's why we play sports, is to compete for championships.

World Championships is the toughest competition in the world.

I'm lucky and blessed to have so many tag-team championships.

A player from Africa who wins championships? That's powerful.

I wouldn't trade any of the championships I've won for anything.

The Champs-Elysees is like the world championships for sprinters.

I began playing in the Pacific Coast Indoor Tennis Championships.

I think you play this game to be remembered, to win championships.

The Olympic Games and the World Championships will be my big goals.

I don't play for money. I play for glory and winning championships.

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.

Money is good and everything, but championships are what it's about.

In 2011, 2012, running for those championships, every point matters.

My focus is on winning championships. I don't focus on anything else.

It's sad that we have to be measured by how many championships we win.

I want to be M.V.P. one day. But for me, it's all about championships.

What we get paid to do is peak at the world championships and Olympics.

The ones who want to achieve and win championships motivate themselves.

The Bronx is famous for two things. Hip-hop, and 26 world championships.

You don't win championships by just being normal, by just being average.

I have three championships in a country where I don't speak the language.

When you play for the guy next to you, that's when you win championships.

A guy who's not a champion can't talk too much about championships, can he?

Fans, especially ours, demand championships. That's what we're striving for.

For me I'm a NASCAR driver, and I want to be able to win NASCAR championships.

I came to Indiana for one reason: I think you can win championships at Indiana.

I want to be the guy who our sport looks up to, and win multiple championships.

Tyson Fury and I go back. He won the amateur championships the same year I did.

I have won Russia at least 16 world championships. I have fought for my country.

History dictates that winning three consecutive championships is very difficult.

Playing in a World Cup or in a European Championships is like a dream come true.

To me, being the best means proving it in different countries and championships.

I want to leave a great legacy behind me and continue to win major championships.

You have to come in to major championships, and your attitude has to be on point.

Ask any player: we all want to play in the best clubs and the best championships.

Jeff Gordon came from sprint cars and obviously he knows how to win championships.

It's what happens in other major championships - I just lose my head a little bit.

I have great respect for Juve, whom gave me so much, where I won two championships.

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