I don't need any nicknames.

I want to win championships.

I want to win football games.

I was actually a Cowboys fan.

It is funny what a year can do.

I really love fashion and style.

Some guys just slip under the radar.

My routine is all about preparation.

I kinda wanted to play receiver more.

Ben McAdoo has a "work hard" mentality.

I definitely want to teach my daughter Spanish.

Everybody wants to defeat the defending champs.

Growing up in Paterson wasn't the easiest thing.

I think I've got some more big plays left in me.

I want to be a New York Giant for a very long time.

As a kid, my grandma would be dancing all the time.

My mom and my father's birthday are on the same day.

My fashion icons are my dad, Pharrell, and Johnny Depp.

I just want to continue to play football and be myself.

There were times when I thought I would never own a car.

I'm focused on football; focused on my family right now.

I couldn't care less about what anybody else has to say.

I've had the same barber since I was about 14 years old.

Football was what I was good at, and it was what I loved.

I don't want to be on 'Dancing With the Stars' anytime soon.

Never in a million years would I think I'd play in a Super Bowl.

My mom was dying for me to write a book, she was my biggest advocate

My mom was dying for me to write a book, she was my biggest advocate.

At the end of the day, there are people out there that want to see you fail.

In the city, a lot of crime happens, a lot of violence happens from time to time.

I never dreamed about being a millionaire - I dreamed about being a football player.

I didn't have outstanding numbers coming out of college and I'm not 6'6 with 230 lbs.

My mom lived by herself with two kids. Sacrifice was the name of the game at our house.

There are times where I am trying to make the big play before I even catch the football.

I knew what type of player I was: a free agent, a small kid who came from a small school.

It's a crazy feeling when people know who you are and respect your game. It's much appreciated.

I don't recognize my former self. Like I'm on the outside looking in at my life. Who is that guy?

You can't look good and feel good if you're worried about whether your deodorant is working or not.

I always have to have a six pack or twelve pack of Entenmann's doughnuts in my house, no other brand.

I just want to continue the success and be an athlete that is shown in a good light in New York City.

There's only one life. There's no repeats. You only get one life, and you gotta take advantage of it.

I would have to say that my style is simple, with a splash of swagger and a little sartorial as well.

When I was young, it wasn't about the money, it wasn't about the fame and fortune, it was about playing football.

Every step, whether at high school or at college or at the NFL, I had to climb and crawl and scratch to get there.

I was afraid I would see someone from my past who thought I was this big athlete, and then I end up being just normal.

I don't mess around when it comes to brushing my teeth. Properly brushed, twice a day, every day, to get my day started.

I'm excited about the opportunity to go back out there with my teammates and get another chance at this thing [a Super Bowl].

I can just sense some eyes, some people kinda stare a little bit like they recognize me but don't quite know for sure kinda thing.

It was definitely some tough moments throughout my life, but I kind of stayed focused and came through the other end of the tunnel.

I was always the type of person that whenever I started something I finished it. And, I was always held accountable for my actions.

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