I definitely think cheerleaders have no fear.

Journalists aren't supposed to be cheerleaders.

Cheerleaders deserve a lot of respect for what they do.

The actual cheerleaders in our film are all Broadway dancers.

As many Giants fans know, we're one of the few teams without cheerleaders.

We were so bad last year, the cheerleaders stayed home and phoned in the cheers.

I wish no teams had cheerleaders. I find it more distracting than anything else.

I feel very blessed to have such wonderful cheerleaders and champions of my work.

A lot of people can be cheerleaders for songs and go, 'Oh, that's great,' and they don't think it.

I was a cheerleader in grammar school. There were no cheerleaders in that school I made them have them.

Most of the games don't let you focus too much on the cheerleaders, but I've been watching these girls.

I think a lot of Indians want Indian artists to be cultural cheerleaders rather than cultural investigators.

I definitely think cheerleaders have no fear. When I took the 'Hellcats' job, I was like, 'Whoa, this is a sport.'

All my friends were cheerleaders, and I was the girl who hung out at home. I just worked on my music all the time.

In a rational society we would want our presidents to be teachers. In our actual society we insist they be cheerleaders.

I always thought that sororities were just made up of cheerleaders from high school. And I kind of picked on those cheerleaders!

I didn't cheer in high school. I was the farthest thing from a cheerleader in high school. We made fun of cheerleaders. Everybody did!

I have a very staunch following, and I've had fan clubs all over the world. And these people I term as my 'cheerleaders' - my 'spark plugs.'

You cannot separate sexuality from cheerleading. It is inherently what it is - growing up with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and all of that stuff.

One cheerleader per season per NFL squad is chosen to attend the Pro Bowl in Hawaii. All season long, the cheerleaders speculate about who will be chosen.

Evanescence fans aren't the popular kids in school. They aren't the cheerleaders. It's the art kids and the nerds and the kids who grow up to be the most interesting creative people.

I didn't go to high school, but when I did go to school, I was actually in the group made up of cheerleaders; I just wasn't one of them. But I hung out with a bunch of different kids.

I'm so disappointed in the frat parties at Columbia. I'm like an English boy going to an American college. I'm thinking cheerleaders, I'm thinking kegs. That's not what's on the cards.

I do not need any cheerleaders at my moot court. And I cannot imagine walking into that Court without the preparation of a few vicious moot courts; it is critical to the development of my thinking.

Artists are not cheerleaders, and we're not the heads of tourism boards. We expose and discuss what is problematic, what is contradictory, what is hurtful and what is silenced in the culture we're in.

One of the important things to look at is kids who aren't cheerleaders or aren't the student-body presidents. In 'Daddy Day Care,' one of the kids would only communicate in Klingon. I get that kind of a kid.

Sometimes 'Rookie' is written about like, 'Finally! Something for alternative girls!' and I'm like, 'No!' Obviously it's not for everyone, but I used to think that there are cheerleaders, and there are art kids.

It's impossible to accept love from anyone else if you don't love yourself. It's a big issue, particularly for us plus-size ladies and for anyone dealing with weight, because we're not taught to love ourselves or be our own cheerleaders.

Each NFL team has its own policy about their own players dating their own cheerleaders. And in the Raiders there is no policy against it, though it is not encouraged. Yes, there are successful relationships between players and Raiderettes.

In the world we live in, where we say we need equality, we don't think highly of ourselves. We don't give much importance to ourselves. We are cheerleaders of equality, but how much do we believe in it? Because if you do, then you will be the voice of change.

I wanted to be a cheerleader, like my sister was - all the most popular and beautiful girls are cheerleaders and I wanted that, and it demolished this vision of myself. That's when I found the piano, when music saved me; that's when I first attempted to write my own songs.

The conniving, rich oilmen that were so desperate to prevent and frustrate the Paris Agreement found cheerleaders in Mr. Trump and his party. They choose to protect their profits from a flailing fossil fuel industry over human lives and a clean, inclusive future for us all.

Strength of 100 men? I'd probably just get mad and hurt somebody and end up in jail. I think invisibility would probably be the best thing. I could be like, 'You know what, let me just see what these folks are talking about over here.' Then you could sneak into Rams cheerleaders' locker room.

Contrary to popular mythology, not all NFL cheerleaders are bimbos or strippers or bored pretty girls looking to get rich. The Ben-Gals offer proof. Neither a bimbo nor a stripper nor a bored pretty girl would survive the rigorous life of a Ben-Gal. The Ben-Gals all have jobs or school or both.

I did everything in high school - I played tennis, I played basketball, I was in chorus, I was in the band, I even did the mascot senior year... I went to the football games, and at half-time I went across the field, met all the cheerleaders and got their numbers! The same year, I won prom king!

My high school experience was kind of like 'Mean Girls.' It was very much like a bad B movie. 'This is where the jocks sit, and this is where the cheerleaders sit.' And I never really fit in. I guess I was sort of a theatre geek, but the activity that I was most invested in was speech and debate.

When you're a fledgling youth-type adult, it appears that all people in their 40s look old enough to be in a painting hanging on the wall of a stately home in England. It's not until you limp into your 70s that people in their 40s look too young to vote, and college cheerleaders closely resemble Yorkshire terriers.

People assume NFL cheerleaders are within some vague sniffing distance of the good life, but a Ben-Gal is paid seventy-five bucks per game. That is correct: seventy-five bucks for each of ten home games. The grand cash total per season does not keep most of them flush in hair spray, let alone gas money to and from practice.

First impressions matter more in basketball than in any other sport, and they can be savored only in person. Players can't hide behind pads or helmets, so we can stare at them, evaluate every move they make: running, jumping, walking, even ogling the cheerleaders. We can see every ripple and tattoo. If they're lazy, we can tell.

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