Chose you this day whom, not tomorrow, whom you'll serve?

Choice is always performed against a background of habit.

Everybody's a mix of good and bad choices that they make.

I use my clothing choices as a way to express how I feel.

Chance does not work. Only choice will work. Your choice!

Isn't allowing people a choice what America is all about?

We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice.

Every moment brings a choice; every choice has an impact.

When people have too many choices, they make bad choices.

Their reasons don't mean anything unless I have a choice.

The more choices we have, the greater the need for focus.

confidence is a choice ... to act, or to do, or to decide.

Choice is the essence of what I believe it is to be human.

Changing is what people do when they have no options left.

I believe most Americans are pro-choice and anti-abortion.

We have to choose between what is right, and what is easy.

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

We make choices but are constantly foiled by happenstance.

No one is born evil; it's just the choices that they make.

Look for your choices, pick the best one, then go with it.

I don't have much choice these days in how I have my hair.

Sometimes choice is a luxury that fate does not afford us.

The expansion of choice has become an explosion of choice.

I will die if I lose you, but I will die if I wait longer.

Of fight or fly, This choice is left ye, to resist or die.

Responsibility is the choice we make to respond with care.

For my part, I can't do anything else but what I am doing.

I had to make some drastic choices to avoid losing myself.

To forgive or not to forgive... are those my only choices?

To live is often only to have a choice of several despairs.

Even the most thorough change happens once choice at a time

Seemingly small choices and small actions add up over time.

The modern choice is between non-violence or non-existence.

Disappointments are inevitable; discouragement is a choice.

You cannot serve god and mammon. You have to make a choice.

Being on 'Idol,' you have no choice but to be an open book.

Falling in love was not really a choice; it just struck me.

some people are democrats by choice, and some by necessity.

Where there is no choice, we do well to make no difficulty.

Drugs? Every one has a choice and I choose not to do drugs.

Inhabit ourselves that we may indeed do what we want to do.

There are times for inner changes. Be ready for the choice!

If you have an informed electorate, it makes great choices.

The ability to have a choice in what you do is a privilege.

If someone throws you the ball, you don't have to catch it.

I myself am just an ordinary woman. I simply had no choice.

I'm not pro-life, and I'm not pro-choice. I'm pro-football.

Your range of available choices - right now - is limitless.

My nutrition choices are for my health, not to lose weight.

The problems of peace are greater than the problems of war.

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