The content of your #‎ character is your #‎ choice.

Sometimes there are no good choices for government.

Compassion and justice are companions, not choices.

Fear is only good when you have a choice in things.

People don't cheat by chance, they cheat by choice.

An ability to choose is a necessity for the artist.

If I have any choice I would prefer Western Troops.

Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless.

You can enjoy anything if you make up your mind to.

What does it mean to regret when you have no choice?

Chef's choice is my favorite. I'm super adventurous.

Life seems to be a choice between two wrong answers.

The American people are going to have a good choice.

Serve God and live; serve these other gods and died.

Loneliness is lessened when you're lonely by choice.

Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.

Tim Kaine is an excellent choice for vice president.

And a mistake repeated more than once is a decision.

To seek a justification for a decision already made.

Does choice exist when I see something very clearly?

Once you educate yourself, you're left with choices.

I think all of us are shaped by the choices we make.

Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality.

Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.

There is little choice in a barrel of rotten apples.

Belief is not a matter of choice, but of conviction.

Wait for the last possible moment to make a decision.

Whether your life is happy or not is your own choice.

Love was action. It came to you. It was not a choice.

Choices are at the root of every one of your results.

And it was suddenly very simple: There was no choice.

My advice is to make acting your second career choice

We can't have a freedom struggle without free choice.

Health is a matter of choice, not a mystery of chance

Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice.

Every easy choice will have its consequence tomorrow.

Choice dependent on wealth; those are the Tory words.

Having unlimited choices can paralyze you creatively.

Success is determined by your daily choices and habits

I take the choice out of exercise. It's not an option.

I truly don't have any formula for the choices I make.

It was never really my choice to be an action heroine.

Of course I believe in free will. Do we have a choice?

Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.

Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.

There are no easy choices. Easy choices are long gone.

It was a tough choice [of PM]. I voted for a Scotsman.

Remember this, the choices you make in life, make you.

The first person I click on can't be the right choice.

Every picture one paints involves not painting others.

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