The church of my choice is the free, open world.

You shouldn't punish others for your own choices.

Ultimately in the end, it's the director's choice

Forgiveness is a choice, but it is not an option.

I think being funny is not anyone's first choice.

I'm comfortable in my miseries. I have no choice.

Pain comes like the weather, but joy is a choice.

I believe that fate is choices - it's not chance.

I´m not a wandering slave, I am a woman of choice

It’s time to WAKE UP and make empowering choices.

We have a choice every day between fear and love.

It is the ability to choose which makes us human.

Each age has its choice of the death it will die.

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.

Black Girls rock because we have no other choice.

We are our choices. Build yourself a great story.

We design our lives through the power of choices.

We must believe in free will - we have no choice.

Take responsibility for making conscious choices.

I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice.

I do not believe being gay or lesbian is a choice.

Choice is illusion, same as happiness and freedom.

Where you quietly know within, you have no choice.

The choices we make can have lasting consequences.

You don't take away my choices. You are my choice.

Fear is at the heart of most of our worst choices.

You write your life story by the choices you make.

No one could make a choice without feeling afraid.

Your faith will not grow by chance, but by choice.

Act always so as to increase the number of choices

Choose thy friends like thy books, few but choice.

I had no choice. Love does funny things to people.

Because it's our choices that makes us who we are.

For the poor any choice was a gift with two faces.

Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.

You are free to choose, even if you choose not to.

Women have choices, and men have responsibilities.

Artists have no choice but to express their lives.

Inaction without more is not tantamount to choice.

Waking up in the morning isn't a choice, you know.

Cynicism is a choice. Optimism is a better choice.

I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words.

You don't get to vote on what is. Have you noticed?

Men have a thousand desires to a bushel of choices.

The future is a choice between Utopia and oblivion.

Life is a choice... it's a choice to be successful.

Choice impacts virtually every element of our life.

Sometimes it is a good choice not to choose at all.

I'm not pro-life. I'm very emphatically pro-choice.

Choices can be made again." -Evelyn Johnson (Eaton)

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