I make bad choices. I've got such dodgy tastes in men.

Awareness precedes choice and choice precedes results.

How you react emotionally is a choice in any situation

The spirit of a man is constructed out of his choices.

Politics is the choice between the lesser of two evils.

Mankind's greatest gift... is that we have free choice.

Necessity relieves us from the embarrassment of choice.

Commitment comes as a result of choice, not conditions.

Violence is never ever a choice that a man should make.

Right now you are one choice away from a new beginning.

I think that ranked-choice voting makes a lot of sense.

That's it. I'm going to start making the right choices.

Once the facts are clear the decisions jump out at you.

I have a very poor record at multiple choice questions.

Fate is the opportunity. Choice is what you do with it.

The choices that you make will shape your life forever.

Marriage equality is not a choice. It is a legal right.

A coward turns away, but a brave man's choice is danger.

Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices.

Let the change begin with your choices this very moment.

In the light of one choice, we will sing with one voice.

You can make money or you can make excuses. Your choice.

Become mindful that remaining in a conflict is a choice.

A peacefulness follows any decision, even the wrong one.

We make conscious choices to do something a certain way.

For what human ill does dawn not seem to be alternative?

We can now destroy or we can cherish-the choice is ours.

God gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him.

Nothing has to be accepted just because we inherited it.

Is a decision made in advance really any kind of choice?

I made the intentional choice to step behind the camera.

You are the sum total of the choices you make every day.

Man has a choice and it's a choice that makes him a man.

the choices we made today were templates for the future.

A Christian is someone who has turned to God from idols.

Given the choice, I would spend my money on accessories.

Success is more a matter of choice than of circumstance.

My choices are like my fingerprints, they make me unique

A story is an invitation, and a challenge, and a choice.

Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.

Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back.

Your choice is to be active or passive in your responses

Success is not an accident, success is actually a choice.

Believe in fate, but lean forward where fate can see you.

Taxation under every form presents but a choice of evils.

Everything is foreseen, yet freedom of choice is granted.

Love is a thousand things, but at the center is a choice.

I've tried to make choices. You don't really trust me to.

Everybody has their own free choice to do what they want.

Confidence tends to minimize the magnitude of the choice.

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