I'm a civilian, a citizen.

Every civilian's death diminishes us, collectively.

Military-assault weapons have no place in civilian hands.

People just don't know what civilian prisoners of war are.

I try to stay a civilian, to live as a human, not as a poet.

There is no reason for a civilian to have an automatic weapon.

When it comes to civilian deaths, violent hostilities play no favorites.

Magazine clips with more than 10 rounds should be prohibited from civilian use.

It was very clear to me I wanted to be an actor when I got out into civilian life.

McCain fought in Vietnam - I think that he has enough civilian blood on his hands.

Hamas, we know, embeds missiles, embeds command-and-control units in civilian areas.

Unfortunately, in war, there are casualties, including among the civilian population.

After I was discharged from the military, it was difficult trying to become a civilian.

After 21 years, six months and 10 days of active military service, I am now a civilian.

Past experience has shown that the Islamists gain space when civilian authority weakens.

It is the civilian part of the politics that is very, very bad, and we have to change that.

You've got to forget about this civilian. Whenever you drop bombs, you're going to hit civilians.

When cutting staff at the Pentagon, don't eliminate the thin layer that assures civilian control.

Veteran causes are an extremely important issue, especially the transition from military to civilian life.

The violence and burnings in Lebanon were the work of Syrian soldiers and workers dressed in civilian clothes.

The last thing we want to do is to go into an area and inflict unnecessary civilian casualties. One is too many.

I like life on the road. It's a lot easier than civilian life. You kind of feel like you're in a motorcycle gang.

I am the first Egyptian civilian president elected democratically, freely, following a great, peaceful revolution.

It takes time to understand the difference between civilian POWs and military POWs. There's an educational process.

Every superhero has this superhero identity and a civilian identity. A lot of their lives are about code switching.

Congress has an obligation to ease the challenges our veterans face when they come home and return to civilian life.

All civilian politicians in Pakistan are puppets of the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), military, and the Taliban.

Maybe the answer to Selective Service is to start everyone off in the army and draft them for civilian life as needed.

This is going to sound terrible, but once I moved to New York, I never did a civilian job. I was extraordinarily lucky.

Gaddafi tried to give a masterclass to men like the Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, on how to crush a civilian uprising.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Latin America moved decisively away from military rule and toward civilian democracy.

We're so used to using military terminology in civilian speech that we forget those terms might mean something very specific.

No one in the United States has become seriously ill or has died because of any kind of accident at a civilian nuclear power plant.

Othello is someone who's just had a victory, and it's the aftermath of coming back and attempting to live comfortably as a civilian.

I don't support terrorism and never have. As a Sri Lankan that fled war and bombings, my music is the voice of the civilian refugee.

We cannot have a separate group of people that are military and a separate civilian society. Otherwise, it's dangerous to democracy.

As a nation, we need to do everything we can to make sure those who have served have the tools they need to succeed in civilian life.

Together, with technology as an enabler, we can help our veterans find meaningful civilian careers that match their skills and interest.

For those who have served in combat, life is never the same. It puts the most stressful civilian situations into a whole different context.

Much as soldiers come back, they've been in combat or the edge of it and suddenly that adjustment back to civilian life is a real challenge.

For decades, the violence in the Middle East has claimed a multitude of innocent civilian victims: Men, women and children, Arab and Israeli.

Civilian law around aviation is much looser than those governing military. Civilian planes can basically fly wherever they want in the world.

Not only can AI improve civilian safety, it will vastly improve battlefield logistics, creating better scenarios for men and women in uniform.

I really believe that carpet-bombing, bombing civilian populations, is a form of terror - it's state terror as opposed to vigilante terrorism.

As a civilian not playing sport, to get that sense of real belonging and feeling how you are progressing through the day is what I loved and miss.

Generally, I've never known quite how to fit in in civilian life, but on set, making a film, I know exactly where to go, how to behave and how I fit.

On average, military spouses are significantly more educated than their civilian counterparts, but much more likely to be unemployed or underemployed.

Now that I'm a civilian again, I can once more comment on economic and financial issues without my words being put under the microscope by Fed watchers.

All Marines, sailors and civilian Marines, regardless of sexual orientation, are Marines first. Every Marine is a valued member of our war-fighting team.

Twenty-five million veterans are living among us today. These men and women selflessly set aside their civilian lives to put on the uniform and serve us.

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