I grew up sort of middle class, safe and suburban.

I started taking acting classes when I was twelve.

Building Product - What it takes to be world class

I'm lucky because I do get to fly first-class now.

Andreotti had style and class; Berlusconi does not

We don't have a lot of class-conscious filmmaking.

Classes? Categories? Was that what we had come to?

I love working out. Dance classes are my favorite.

Schools should be integrated by race and by class.

Nadal is one of the great champions - a class act.

Flexible approach - will look at ALL asset classes.

Sailing, the most expensive way to travel 3rd class

I strongly support tax relief for the middle class.

My mum and I do cardio kickboxing classes together.

Art is rarely intelligible to the criminal classes.

No use going to class unless you go to the library.

I walked out of class one day and I never went back

Scotland consistently produces world-class writers.

I always treat all the jobs I do as an acting class.

The working class is revolutionary or it is nothing.

You're looking at a middle-class guy. I am who I am.

For you cannot have gentility without paying for it.

If you think you're a second-class citizen, you are.

like a kid kicked out of class. humiliated and free.

Class structures are a luxury that we cannot afford.

There is only one class of men, the privileged class

Before there were unions, there was no middle class.

And understand: class differences will not save you.

I was two votes away from class clown in high school.

War cannot be abolished unless classes are abolished.

The worst cliques are those which consist of one man.

In the U.K., there is a sort of obsession with class.

Rank and riches are chains of gold, but still chains.

I fit into the quirky, character class type of actor.

Middle-class families know education begins at birth.

The best class I ever took in high school was typing.

Will make Delhi a corruption-free , world class city.

I travel third-class because there is no fouth-class.

Economic theology is the opiate of the middle classes.

I think there should be holy war against yoga classes.

My favorite classes were always dumb nerdy vocabulary.

In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.

Health is survival. But survival with style and class.

I came from a real working-class show business family.

He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!

I try to get in one, one-hour spinning class per week.

My mom put me in dance classes when I was 5 years old.

There are only two classes - first class and no class.

[There] is no class so dangerous as the idle educated.

Classless society is the dream of people with no class.

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