When posh boys get into trouble they sack the servants.

I invited myself. Thought this table needed some class.

Alcohol decimated the working class and so many people.

As far as I'm concerned, the best acting class is life.

I'm tired of being treated like a second-class citizen.

Message to the billionaire class: You can't have it all!

Class is more than money. Class is also about knowledge.

But of all footmen the lowest class is literary footmen.

In gay culture hookups are a way of escaping your class.

In my writing classes, I don't outlaw any genre writing.

My sympathies have always been for working-class people.

From class consciousness to class hatred was but a step.

I'm not working-class: I come from the criminal classes.

I'm not going to do class warfare; I want to be wealthy.

I dropped out of school and I never took acting classes.

Morgan Freeman is so class. He's so cool. He's so scary.

Moral claims aren't, as a class, truth-value apt or not.

I believe America thrives when the middle class thrives.

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class.

We know that the British public are obsessed with class.

My parents were determined to move into the middle class.

I was the lead in two musicals, and I took dance classes.

I never knew that the lower classes had such white skins.

Just don't take any class where you have to read BEOWULF.

Even world class performers can benefit from walk breaks.

The state is the executive committee of the ruling class.

In the kingdom of God there are no second-class citizens.

The best anti-poverty program is a world-class education.

Both parents supported my becoming a world class athlete.

Well, I have chlamydia. Thanks for this, Mom. Good class.

I was dyslexic, so I was put in the silly class at school.

I might have skipped class, but I didn't miss any lessons.

Moral excellence has no regard to classes and professions.

Race and class are the easiest divisions. It's very stupid

In life there exist two classes: first class and no class.

I started taking gymnastic classes when I was 3 years old.

A class, in Java, is where we teach objects how to behave.

Paolo Maldini is neither a legend nor a world class player!

Big government doesn't help the middle class, it buries it.

Never fear being vulgar, just boring, middle class or dull.

My parents both came from very poor working-class families.

There are two ways to travel, first class or with children.

I come from a working-class background in Queens, New York.

I loved school. I studied like crazy. I was a Class A nerd.

We need to build computers for the masses, not the classes.

Each new user of a new system uncovers a new class of bugs.

Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within.

The world is divided into two classes - invalids and nurses.

There are only two kinds of class: First class and no class.

The scab is a traitor to his God, his mother, and his class.

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