I owe my allegiance to the working class.

I go to yoga classes and work on my core.

I was always the tallest kid in my class.

There is no alternative to class struggle.

You meet a better class of person in pubs.

I made a living out of being a class clown

Alimony is the curse of the writing class.

Treat each class as if it were your first.

Every director should take an acting class.

Radicalism is the opium of the middle class.

I'm reluctant to use the word class so much.

Colour is not the issue in America; class is.

Middle class jobs prevent crime and violence.

I've learned... That money doesn't buy class.

All great men come out of the middle classes.

Of course, in the art class, I was the model.

Congress: America's only true criminal class.

To me, Paul Scholes was in a class of his own.

Sight is subjective. We learned that in class.

Real Democrats don't abandon the middle class.

I've never been in an acting class in my life.

Regardless of the situation, react with class.

To have a horror of the bourgeois is bourgeois.

I think I am the greatest fighter in any class.

There is no such thing as a black middle class.

I wish they taught green screen acting classes.

You can pay for school, but you can't buy class

Karl Malone's too high-class for a bum like me.

Neurosis is just a high-class word for whining.

I'm a working-class person, working with class.

The day I went into physics class it was death.

The people are fed up with the political class.

The ignorant classes are the dangerous classes.

God doesn't want his people to go second-class.

Laws and machines are shaped to fit the classes.

Sport must be accessible to working class youth.

I need to go to my yoga class - I love hot yoga!

class was like watered down porn today. Vee said

Have I had therapy? I went to a yoga class once.

You weren’t world-class when Arsenal signed you.

I graduated first in my class from alibi school.

I translated Beatles songs for my English class.

Art class was my thing, but not any other class.

The middle class in America has been devastated.

He likes to flirt with all the boys in the class.

Britain's is traditionally a rigid class society.

I'm a proud product of the American middle class.

I was like I was in science class: I was curious.

Isn't it true that every aristocrat wants to die?

Don't be defeatist, dear, it's very middle class.

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