Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class.

Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class.

I'm tired of the naked, raped, beaten black woman body. I want to see ...

I'm tired of the naked, raped, beaten black woman body. I want to see an image of black femaleness that alters our universe in some way.

You can't buy class.

I'm a class mongrel.

The class war is over.

Money doesn't buy class.

I'm a working class lad.

Class envy is dangerous.

Youth has become a class.

I do spin class at 7 A.M.

He does not have my class.

Class is material consumed.

I'm painfully middle class.

Equality is a mortuary word.

Art class was my safe haven.

Eating well is a class issue.

I was at the foot of my class.

I really wasn't a class clown.

I've got more class than most.

I took tap classes growing up.

Freedom for the working class!

The mass media are class media.

My middle class values are intact.

Aaliyah was in a class by herself.

I class myself as a manual laborer.

I got cat class and I got cat style

I grew up working class in Atlanta.

I'm a warrior for the middle class.

I was always a bit of a class clown.

Hunger justifies the middle classes.

My class is not a three ring circus.

Class is more important than a game.

My mom pushed me to take drama class.

I go to an acting class every Sunday.

Class still matters in Britain today.

This is not class warfare. It’s math.

Class warfare has never created a job.

An antique is anything old with class.

Women are still second-class citizens.

I can tell you I'm pretty middle-class.

SUNY gives you a world-class education.

Afternoon classes - that evil invention!

A country's middle class is its bedrock.

Comfort came in with the middle classes.

I believe the middle class game is dead.

A second-class is a first-class mistake.

A working class hero is something to be.

Girls learn sexiness, women teach class.

I make films about working class people.

I was actually valedictorian of my class.

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