No issue is more compelling than the air we breathe, be it hot or cold, be it hawk or human.

This is an excellent martini — sort of tastes like it isn't there at all, just a cold cloud.

And come, blue deeps! magnificently strown With coloured clouds - large, light, and fugitive.

Who cares about the clouds when we're together? Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.

Rome in the ages, dimmed with all her towers, / Floats in the mist, a little cloud at tether.

I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.

Thus we play the fool with the time and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us.

If negativity starts to cloud your thoughts, get on your hands & knees and pull out the weeds.

If you didn't sit with your head in the clouds so perpetually you wouldn't get so many shocks.

The air soft as that of Seville in April, and so fragrant that it was delicious to breathe it.

Cloud computing is a great euphemism for centralization of computer services under one server.

This is how I would die into the love I have for you: As pieces of cloud dissolve in sunlight.

Microsoft is the productivity and platform company for the mobile-first and cloud-first world.

The clouds may drop down titles and estates, and wealth may seek us, but wisdom must be sought.

No distinction is 'tween man and man, But as his virtues add to him a glory Or vices cloud him.

Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.

Far clouds of feathery gold, Shaded with deepest purple, gleam Like islands on a dark blue sea.

The cloud services companies of all sizes; the cloud is for everyone. The cloud is a democracy.

Behind every dark cloud there is an every-shining sun. Just wait. In time, the cloud will pass.

I can be jubilant one moment and pensive the next, and a cloud could go by and make that happen.

Labels cloud our vision and distract us from seeing how much we have in common with one another.

Some poems are like the Centaurs--a mingling of man and beast, and begotten of Ixion on a cloud.

I have lived: tomorrow the Father may fill the sky with black clouds or with cloudless sunshine.

He who seeks eternity should look at the sky, he who seeks the moment, should look at the cloud.

I love the clouds... the clouds that pass by... over there... over there... those lovely clouds!

You can't enter a contest emotionally charged. It clouds your judgment, it clouds your reaction.

Spring and autumn are inconsiderable events in a landscape compared with the shadows of a cloud.

Like a snowplow in overdrive, a supernova shockwave might sweep away any gas clouds in its path.

The rockets light! The shuttle leaps off the launch pad in a cloud of steam and a trail of fire.

Choose a firm cloud before it fall, and in it Catch, ere she change, the Cynthia of this minute.

The sky may be overcast today with clouds, but a fervent prayer to God is enough to dispel them.

Happiness is like the mountain summit. It is sometimes hidden by clouds, but we know it is there.

The good news is we had this idea of cloud computing. The bad news is we were 10 years too early.

We live between two dense clouds; the forgetting of what was and the uncertainty of what will be.

We all know that a sky with clouds in it is much more interesting than one that doesn’t have any.

Table talk and Lovers' talk equally elude the grasp; Lovers' talk is clouds, table talk is smoke.

You would not cry if you knew that by looking deeply into the rain you would still see the cloud.

Pity wraps the student of the past in an ambrosial cloud, and washes his limbs with eternal youth.

Still, when it looked like the sun wasn't going to shine anymore, God put a rainbow in the clouds.

Shining through tears, like April suns in showers, that labor to overcome the cloud that loads em.

The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a storm.

Mama, put my guns in the ground, I can't shoot them anymore. That long black cloud is coming down.

My age fallen away like white swaddling Floats in the middle distance, becomes An inhabited cloud.

We are always seeking for those things which are in the clouds, not for those that lie at our feet.

Dark, dark! The horror of darkness, like a shroud, wraps me and bears me on through mist and cloud.

Changes in clouds and rainfall can overwhelm what little effect CO2-water vapour has on temperature.

Human happiness has always its abatements; the brightest sunshine of success is not without a cloud.

Twenty thousand birds moved away from me as one, like a ground-hugging white cloud, clucking softly.

The seed of mortals broods o'er passing things, and hath nought surer than the smoke-cloud's shadow.

Shelter Network's programs and services are a rainbow in the clouds for homeless children and adults.

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