My peers and colleagues inspire me.

Did you get hungry and eat my colleagues?

I pride myself on respecting my colleagues.

I have great respect for all my colleagues.

I don't party with my colleagues after work.

I have tremendous respect for my colleagues.

Sometimes my colleagues joke and call me Hannah.

I had to work just as hard as my male colleagues.

Liberals are my friends, my colleagues, my social world.

[About a tiresome colleague]: He could bore for Scotland.

I've said I will be CEO as long as my colleagues want me.

I don't say bad things about my Republican colleagues, ever.

In Mumbai, I don't know many people. I only know colleagues.

If it is something important, get a colleague to improve it.

A lot of my colleagues at school became great friends of mine.

I don't want to be my own boss. I want to be my own colleague.

Sometimes colleagues in performance are absolutely astonishing.

Most important, I have learned from my colleagues and students.

Some of my legal colleagues are the most creative people I know!

The first boots on the ground in Afghanistan were my colleagues.

I pay editors. I never ask friends or colleagues to work for free.

I have a tremendous network of friends and colleagues at other firms.

Writing is a solitary occupation; we don't really have any colleagues.

I and my colleagues here have been engaged in the pursuit of knowledge.

Like all of my colleagues, I believe financial reform is necessary now.

Colleagues will malign you if you're a moderately successful journalist.

I think if you talk to my colleagues, I was less than a fearsome individual.

Nothing infuriates an academic more than a talented and successful colleague.

Value those colleagues who tell you the truth, not just what you want to hear.

Most of my colleagues have research awards on the shelf. I have party invites.

A lot of my colleagues actually yell and curse at each other. I don't do that.

It's a great honour to be recognised and appreciated by your fellow colleagues.

Watching talented colleagues walking away from the Cabinet table is never easy.

The sign of a great player is how much he elevates his colleagues' performance.

I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.

What we've tried to do is have neighbors, colleagues, friends and family talking.

In Congress, I have worked with my colleagues to pass the 21st Century Cures Act.

As a judge, I have always treated colleagues and litigants with the utmost respect.

I am older than most of my on-screen colleagues, and the ones behind the scenes, too.

Colleagues are a wonderful thing - but mentors, that's where the real work gets done.

We've lost sight of our role in the region and our view of our colleagues in the region.

I just want to listen and build relationships with as many of my colleagues as possible.

For me, the team always comes first, and without the help of my colleagues, I am nothing.

A scientist's aim in a discussion with his colleagues is not to persuade, but to clarify.

I listen to all kinds of music - new music, old music, music of my colleagues, everything.

I cannot and will not raise money on Benghazi. I also advise my colleagues to follow suit.

In the past, two colleagues died each season. It was generally accepted this could happen.

Many of my colleagues and I do films, which push the envelope and try to bring some change.

My colleagues are my colleagues, my friends are my friends. It's never been male or female.

I have never really had a goal to be a true blue movie star, unlike a lot of my colleagues.

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