I send messages to the White House continuously.

All of us need to grow continuously in our lives.

I want to continuously instigate, whatever it may be.

There is no such thing as a continuously carnal Christian.

I feel like I need to continuously keep evolving and moving.

The brain is plastic, continuously changing its organization.

It is a challenge to have your launch date slip continuously.

One must keep working continuously; otherwise, one thinks of death.

As your journey goes on, you're continuously learning from everyone.

I have nine movies in my kitty and I am getting offers continuously.

Science is a field which grows continuously with ever expanding frontiers.

I travel continuously, and I see many cities, but there is nowhere like London.

If we keep continuously putting up good at-bats, the next guy will come through.

I purposely put myself in new, stressful situations so that I can continuously learn.

I enjoy doing both comedy and drama, as long as I'm not doing something continuously.

I want to keep continuously going through all the pages in the book of being an actor.

I think if you pick someone that you love, you will continuously fall in love with them.

I think it's critical, a sense of humor. It did help me - it does help me, continuously.

Mr. Trump fights back. He doesn't fight back with one retort. He continuously reminds people.

My mother has done so much for me in my life and has continuously been there and been my rock.

Nothing is off the table... never for an actor. An actor is continuously looking for challenges.

'Belle de Jour' is a film I loved and watched almost continuously because the style fascinated me.

My lawyer has been a good friend of mine for a long time. He and I continuously have conversations.

The experiencing self lives its life continuously. It has moments of experience, one after the other.

When you are working with Salman you learn things continuously, there is always a scope of improvement.

In pharma, we continuously look for acquisitions... if it makes strategic sense and if there is any value.

We dried continuously day and night. We had no efficient way to do it, so we built this new popcorn plant.

Then we're going to take a lot of time off because in the last three years we've been touring continuously.

Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not just at the end of our physical lives on this earth.

Can a serious party put up an individual perceived previously or continuously as a joke candidate? I say yes.

I miss animation very passionately. Not continuously, but every once in a while I would die to do another film.

In markets such as the US, China, we want to continuously improve our products and services to win market share.

One has to divide Warren Buffet into different periods. There is a continuously evolving style of Warren Buffett.

I love the idea that if you watch something twice, three times, four times, you'll continuously notice new things.

I hear entrepreneurs use the word 'disruption' on a daily basis and continuously hear the cliche change the world.

I think in life, if you continue to challenge yourself, you can pride yourself in what you continuously accomplish.

I have continuously said that, at the very minimum, the Bush tax cuts for income under $250,000 should be extended.

I entered politics in 1967; since then, continuously, I am getting elected... Fortunately I never lost the elections.

Work continuously to trim the White House staff from your first day to your last. All the pressures are to the contrary.

Prime Minister Najib had continuously denounced me as an enemy of the Malaysian state and accused me of spreading Fake News.

You can't have a regime which continuously subsidizes things; as inflation rises, you keep prices of certain things unchanged.

During the mid-1980s, I felt my work was getting monotonous. I was shooting continuously, sometimes for 25, 30 films at a time.

Shift work, where the body clock is continuously changed, is really deleterious on many levels - from psychology to physiology.

The 'free market' is the product of laws and rules continuously emanating from legislatures, executive departments, and courts.

An actor has to continuously reinvent himself. So my plea to all directors and scriptwriters is please look at me out of the box.

My government is continuously improving the GST regime keeping in view the suggestions being received from the business community.

I love talk shows and hosting. I would want to do something like that. I'm not sure I would want to be a reality star continuously.

There are many actors who have not been trained, but self-taught means one cannot be limited. It means you're continuously learning.

I still work hard to know my business. I'm continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I'm always selling. Always.

Music industry is a very competitive field, and one has to continuously entertain and excite the audience, which is a difficult task.

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