I'm a big 3-D convert.

To change, to convert? Why bother?

Every convert is a son or daughter of God.

I wasn't a cradle Catholic, but a convert.

Theatre taught me to convert a scene into a vision.

I did not set out to convert anyone to Christianity.

I don't have farmers I can convert into factory workers.

I am one of the last photographers to convert to digital.

The greatest religions convert the world through stories.

The freedom to convert is fundamental to freedom of religion.

If you want to be Jewish, welcome, but convert via the Halacha.

I've proved to be as difficult to convert as I am to hypnotize.

To convert somebody go and take them by the hand and guide them.

I would convert to Judaism if the operation didn't hurt so much.

I was a convert to Catholicism, and converts are much more devout.

The truth only irritates those it enlightens, but does not convert.

Any investigator worthy of baptism becomes a convert worthy of saving.

I turned vegetarian because my wife was one, and wanted me to convert.

The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret of outward success.

Every challenge has the opportunity to convert into a winning proposition.

In my constituency, everyone loves Modiji, and it will convert into votes.

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.

Try to look at your weakness and convert it into your strength. That's success.

As a striker, you always try to convert your chances, give everything when training.

One must verify or expel his doubts, and convert them into the certainty of Yes or NO.

Within Internet users, you have a big chunk of people who can convert to online shopping.

I often look at places and kind of mentally convert them to fantasy versions of themselves.

Insomnia is a vertiginous lucidity that can convert paradise itself into a place of torture.

You can find tranquility, you can find party, you can find new friends. I'm a cruise convert.

We want to convert broken, unbranded assets around the globe into better-quality living spaces.

We didn't move here so I could save American democracy. But I've embraced it with the zeal of a convert.

I like to customize my tights by cutting them myself to create a stirrup or convert the look into a capri.

Being a fan of pop music and rock bands, I am a reluctant convert into the art of instrumental rock music.

I tried to convert all my friends back in Houston to Patriots fans, which was successful to a small degree.

All of us know that the energy from the sun can now be harnessed, and we need to convert it sensibly to use it.

Unlike Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, Jackie Robinson never tried to convert himself into an acceptable black man.

In 2003, as a 21-year-old convert to Islam, I moved from Colorado to Cairo to see what life was like in a Muslim country.

It feels good to go out and execute the game plan, have some fun, have some long sustained drives and convert third downs.

You don't have to cheat or steal to be successful in life, but you must be ready to convert your challenges to opportunity.

In the journey of an entrepreneur, the most important thing is self-belief and the ability to convert that belief into reality.

There is no denying the fact that China has been able to convert its economic might into commercial and technological capability.

Health food shops can make people feel very important; it's like a brand new religion with people trying to convert you to quinoa.

It has always been inevitable that, living as a small minority among a Christian majority, some Jews would convert to Christianity.

For Jews, the paradigmatic convert is the biblical Ruth, who sought not only a new relationship with God but also a new nationality.

What sets Iris Stevenson apart is her success in a system that in no way supports her - with the hardest possible children to convert.

I converted from softball. We've got volleyball, we've got track and field. Athletes come from anywhere and then convert into bobsled.

If I were going to convert to any religion I would probably choose Catholicism because it at least has female saints and the Virgin Mary.

My ma is from County Clare, so she's a Munster fan, so she keeps sending me Munster jerseys all the time, trying to convert me to Munster.

Isobutanol is not a natural product, but we evolved an enzyme that makes it possible to convert plant sugars to this precursor to jet fuel.

Good analysis is very useful when you want to convert a political decision into an investment. It can also go the other way and drive policy.

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