You know I've had work banned.

I'm as corny as Kansas in August.

Space is going to be commonplace.

Sound is the vocabulary of nature.

High Noon is a pretty corny movie.

I don't think it's corny to pray at all.

I envy what I fear and hate what I envy.

I know it's corny - but I love 'Jingle Bells!'

It sounds so trite, but my private life is mine.

In the Depression we had to divert corn acreage.

Art saved me. It may sound corny, but it's true.

Of course it's trivial, but then most things are.

I may sound like a corny bastard, but I love fashion.

Nature is commonplace. Imitation is more interesting.

Let us dig our furrow in the fields of the commonplace.

Nothing is so commonplace has the wish to be remarkable.

Corruption, the greatest single bane of our society today.

Men are seldom more commonplace than on supreme occasions.

Maybe I'm corny, but I'm a big believer in second chances.

I'm a professional; I feel I'm one of the best in the game.

As soon as I hear a sound, it always suggests a mood to me.

That rockabilly sound wasn't as simple as I thought it was.

I never really thought about becoming a professional musician.

Scripts are corny and predictable. Real life is always better.

Anabolic steroids were not banned until after the 72 Olympics.

I am consciously trying not to make it sound Celtic or African.

I may be goofy, I may be corny, and I may be cheesy, but I'm me.

Duty largely consists of pretending that the trivial is critical.

It sounds so trite but in relationships, you have to communicate.

Honestly, I think it's kind of corny to sit and watch your own work.

I'm just corny enough to like to have a story hit me over the heart.

You know, it sounds corny, but I believe in myself. And I work hard.

The insular arrogance of the English character is a commonplace joke.

To some, the '50s were a decade marked by the banal, the predictable.

I started to act in highschool and became a professional actor at 19.

The pain was considerable, but trivial compared with my mental state.

If I'm not a murderer," asked Corny, "how come I keep killing people?

In larger things we are convivial; what causes trouble is the trivial.

Formula to live your dream: 1. Be bold. 2. Begin now, 3. No exceptions.

Theaters are great. They're designed to sound good, not for basketball.

I had to try and find a way to express happiness without sounding corny.

There's a lot of maintenance that goes into being a professional singer.

As corny as it may sound, my true goal was to crack the Americana market.

Let's get one thing straight: there's no such thing as the Bristol sound.

I want to keep - this seems so corny - I want to keep growing as an artist.

It sounds like something on a very trite T-shirt, but life is what happens.

Commercials used to have such a serious tone to them or a really corny tone.

I was 20, I was an amateur from 14 but my first professional role was at 22.

As a person, I'm just really kitchy and corny, and I love '70s variety shows.

There is a lot of melody and things that sound familiar in hundreds of songs.

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