I'm pretty much a couch potato.

All cats love a cushioned couch.

Pleasure's couch is virtue's grave.

[T]he historian lays humanity on the couch.

Nobody ever saw a cowboy on the psychiatrist's couch.

For me, the best vacation is just relaxing on the couch!

We risk losing what nature is if we couch its value in human terms.

Dance music makes us dance. Let us get off our couch and spin around!

I don't like going out that much. When I'm out, I think about my couch.

O, nothing is more alluring than a levee from a couch in some confusion.

In my spare time I like watching TV, laying on the couch, just chillin'.

I'm still the person on my friend's couch, and I'd like to own the couch.

I roll out of my couch every morning with the more agreeable expectations.

My apartment is basically a couch, an armchair, and about four thousand books.

When a couch potato is sliced up and then deep fried that is couch french fries.

There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.

In durance vile 1here must I wake and weep, And all my frowsy couch in sorrow steep.

I don't like futons. They can't commit. I'm a bed! I'm a couch! I'm a bed! I'm a couch!

Dogs: the best friend you will ever have that pees on your couch and stays your friend.

That practis'd falsehood under saintly shew, Deep malice to conceal, couch'd with revenge.

What I like about singing is that, for me, it's a substitute for the psychiatrist's couch.

Having wires strewn across your couch and across the floor is a big deal to a lot of people.

I don't have to lay on the couch and see a therapist because my therapist is in my paint brushes.

When you travel so much, the best and most relaxing thing is to just sit on the couch and not move.

My view of actors is that basically they're all harmless lunatics who'd be on the psychiatrist's couch.

I can't just sit around and do nothing. Although, I can sit on the couch sometimes and just watch movies.

The casting couch? There's only one of us who ever made it to stardom without it, and that was Bette Davis.

I had to groan a bit on the couch when my brow was mopped - as it is when you've been shot across the chest.

You know, I have never had a casting couch proposition in my life. I thought there was something wrong with me.

Spiffy is a free-loading deadbeat kitty who sits around on my couch, watches TV all day, and eats all the Triscuits.

I'm OK with being the Old Spice Guy because before I was the Old Spice Guy I was the guy looking for work on his couch.

A school out of Canberra sends me a term's worth of work. I sit on the couch by myself and complete it and send it back.

For decades to come the spy world will continue to be the collective couch where the subconscious of each nation is confessed.

I can sit here on the couch and hear you say, "You're very feminine and very attractive," but I have always struggled with that.

I couch-surfed for years. But I always wanted to live in Baltimore; I still do. If I had to choose, it would always be Baltimore.

I just did whatever it took to keep making music - slept on couches. You would be amazed at how far $20 can go if you stretch it out.

Sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave, Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.

You're not going to get off the couch and be at some amazing fast pace or burn crazy amounts of calories, but you have to start somewhere Eventually, you'll get there.

Movies are as old as psychoanalysis. So if I were to put you or anyone else on a couch and say, 'Tell me your favorite movies,' it would be a way of psychoanalyzing you.

There's nothing more I love than McDonald's dollar menu. With just the change I find between my couch cushions, I can eat something with the nutritional value of a couch cushion.

Everyone knows you can't see death cooties. Take my word for it, that couch has the biggest, fattest death cooties that ever existed. That couch has the mother of all death cooties. – Lula

Harpernus Stoyan, if you can't behave yourself and go and turn all Roman hands and Russian Fingers under that comforter, you're going to have to sit on the couch," Stephanie snapped, sounding for all the world like a stern schoolteacher.

The thing that makes my generation The Greatest is our ability to hang out. We're spectacular at it. If you take somebody from my generation and sit them on a couch and bring them food and plumbing, they'll sit there and talk to you about anything you want until the day you die.

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