I'm a country boy.

I'm a real big country boy.

I grew up as a country boy.

I am a country boy at heart.

I'm really just a country boy.

I am a country boy and proud of it.

I'm a country boy. I'm from Georgia.

I was definitely very much a country boy.

I'm very much half city and half country boy.

I was a country boy from Texas and I love eating.

At the end of the day, I remain a country boy inside.

I'm not a politician. I'm not a lawyer. I'm just a country boy.

I grew up in the country. I am a real proud country boy, love getting back home.

Living in Chicago as a country boy, basically, and going to college made a very big impact on me.

I'm a country boy, and we're the product of our upbringing. As a boy, I was told that men don't cry.

The filth and noise of the crowded streets soon destroy the elasticity of health which belongs to the country boy.

Elvis Presley, you can't define him in a couple of sentences, but he was a country boy and he was very respectful.

I'm a country boy at heart. I love it when you've got your boots on and you're standing in three inches of cow muck.

I'm a Kiwi country boy, approachable, genuine, never getting too far ahead of myself, a straightforward kind of bloke.

Joe Jackson was a tragic figure. He was a serene country boy who signed a confession he couldn't read. He was illiterate.

I don't like crying. I'm a country boy, and we're the product of our upbringing. As a boy, I was told that men don't cry.

For a country boy, poor as I was, whose constant worry was to be able to have enough to eat, the Army guaranteed one's survival.

I see myself as half country boy and half city boy, so I need both to balance me out. I couldn't spend all of my time in either place.

I'm going to try to make happy songs or some political songs, like 'A Country Boy Can Survive' - something people can get excited about.

I'm just a Connecticut country boy. The people I've known, the changes of season, the call of the blue jay - when I'm away, all of them haunt me.

Myself, I'm just a simple country boy who spent time on the streets and developed a style of writing and rapping and a cool sound that people seem to enjoy.

I'm a country boy. I grew up kicking around the woods, riding dirt bikes, playing football, climbing rocks and all that good stuff, so that's always been fun.

You have to understand, now, I'm a momma's boy. I'm from the south. My way of being raised is totally different than the big city life. I truly was a country boy.

I grew up three and a half hours outside of Chicago, but people would call me a 'hick' or 'country boy.' Maybe it's because I talked with more of a country accent.

I'm a country boy. I hate New York. But that's where things happen, so I use it as a base for stories, I know enough about it. But I have to keep going back there.

In the beginning, I tried to be a more cosmopolitan writer, but I realized that I was a country boy, and I had to deal with things I knew about and where I came from.

I'm a country boy, and out in the old country, all we do is bale straws of hay, and next thing you know you're sitting under a tree takin' a nap with your hat down and a weed in your mouth.

As a child, I was fortunate enough to be close to family members who were - and still are - great storytellers. I was a gullible country boy from Rocky Mount, Virginia, and I believed every folktale they told me, no matter how fantastic.

How do I love Tim McGraw? Let me count the ways: I love that he's a country boy with a city sensibility. I love that he refuses to be pegged, and his duet with Nelly proves it. And I really love that he had the brains to marry Faith Hill.

I was a mixture of a country boy and a town boy, really. Chichester is a town on the coast of England, and I grew up all along that strip of coast that Chichester branches out into. Sometimes I was living in a house in the country, and sometimes I was living in a town.

The Lord has been there from wanting to be a momma, to having a wonderful childhood life and dreaming of having a good motherhood as a child; always wanting to meet a good old country boy and having someone to love as much as I love my husband Roland and having a little boy that is a mixture of the both of us.

I'm just a country boy from north Georgia, and I have three children and a wonderful wife. And when I look at my three children, who are 8, 11, and 12, and they really represent the faces and the future of the children all across my congressional district, and what the Tea Party stands for is not extremism; it's about their future.

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